고객 게시판에 올라온 게시글로 인해 위기에 처한 ‘강주(김정현 분)’는 ‘미미(주새벽 분)’이 보여준 게시글의 IP를 확인하고 충격과 배신감에 휩싸이는데...
Gang-ju traces the IP address of the origin of the post on the company's bulletin board and is left shocked by the discovery. Meanwhile, Man-deuk and Gil-rye search for the ledger at Mu-rim's wedding but fail to find it, while Sung-hoon and his subordinates approach Da-rim's family to pursue the stolen money.
Gang-ju menelusuri alamat IP asal postingan tersebut di papan buletin perusahaan dan terkejut dengan penemuan tersebut. Sementara itu, Man-deuk dan Gil-rye mencari buku besar di pernikahan Mu-rim namun gagal menemukannya, sementara Sung-hoon dan bawahannya mendekati keluarga Da-rim untuk mengejar uang curian tersebut.