See the 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective discuss reincarnation, time, dimensions, and our 3D reality. What is the great Earth experiment? Did we choose to be here on Earth in the 3rd Dimension? Watch the first episode of Interview With E.D. to find out the answers to these questions and much much more.Wendy Kennedy is an intuitive, empath, and channel. For two decades she has used her gifts and abilities to work with beings in other realms and dimensions, assisting others in recognizing and releasing old patterns and helping them to live a more whole and integrated life. The clear and compassionate wisdom shared through Wendy facilitates a shift in perspective from that of separation and limitation to connection and multidimensional existence.
Wendy Kennedy is an intuitive, empath, and channel. For two decades she has used her gifts and abilities to work with beings in other realms and dimensions, assisting others in recognizing and releasing old patterns and helping them to live a more whole and integrated life. The clear and compassionate wisdom shared through Wendy facilitates a shift in perspective from that of separation and limitation to connection and multidimensional existence.In 1995 Wendy began channeling, working first with her own angelic guides before becoming reacquainted with The 9th Dimensional Pleiadian Collective, whom she primarily channels at her public events and in private sessions. In addition to the Pleiadians, she works with beings from Sirius, Lyra, and Arcturus as well as other higher dimensional, celestial beings.
In this episode, Reuben talks to Nora Herold and The Pleiadian Collective about the holographic universe theory and the re-ascension of humanity into the 5th dimension. There are special guest appearances from Yeshua and the 5th-dimensional faerie known as Calliandra. The 11th-dimensional Pleiadian Collective is channeled by Nora Herold.
In this episode Reuben talks to channeler Nora Herold. Nora has been channeling, lecturing, and doing healing work for more than 20 years. She channels a multitude of high vibrational beings, including The Pleiadian Collective, Yeshua, Calliandra, Enara, The Lyrans/Lemurians, The Faeries, and The Angelics.In 2007 she began receiving transmissions specific to the integration of the fifth dimensional identity and the re-ascension process and has incorporated that information into her work. Nora offers private sessions, teaches, lectures, is a reiki master, has appeared on film, radio & TV, and has channeled for people all over the world.
In this episode Reuben interviews the Ancient Pleiadian or Denebian being known as Aridif, who is channeled through Rob Gauthier. Aridif is a 6th Density being who is on the verge of evolving into 7th Density and leaving a physical form. He shares his knowledge of the construct of our universe and reality.
Reuben interviews the benevolent 5D reptilian TReb Bor yit-NE, “TReb” shares his insights on various topics about our world and his. TReb is channeled by Rob Gauthier.
Rob Gauthier was born in 1980, and in 2007 he went to a spiritualism church to get his life back on track. As a child he was blessed with psychic abilities but as he got older he digressed and so did the abilities. As he started learning from the great psychics in his area, he learned many things — including that experiences he had as a child were not figments of “just his imagination.”He continued to learn more through his meditations and began the Hemi-Sync Gateway experience. After a couple years of working with his remembered abilities every day, he met Treb Bor yit-NE.Throughout Rob’s journey he has been privy to new communications between new entities such as Aridif, an Ancient Pleiadian, Metatron, and many many more (such as in the book Galactic Humans, a book about 12 races of humanoids in the galaxy).
In this episode, Reuben interviews Micheila Sheldan as she channels “The Council of Light.” They discuss their role in repairing the Universal Matrix Grid. Mary Magdalene also comes through with a special message for Reuben.
Micheila Sheldan is able to channel a variety of angels, guides, ascended masters, inter-dimensional beings and collectives to answer questions about our history, current challenges and where we are headed in the future.Micheila also serves as Executive Director of the Flower of Life Center, an organization focused on raising human consciousness. She works closely with its members and committees to evolve consciousness through many vehicles that promote positive growth and change, including the organization’s international event, the Awake and Empowered Expo. Micheila also runs the Flower of Life Conscious Youth Program for kids ages 9 to 18.
In this episode Reuben Interviews the 11th Dimensional Arcturian Collective channeled by Anayana. Arcturians are an alien race that hail from the blue planet orbiting the red giant star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation. Arcturus orbits at approximately 36 light years from our solar system. They are known as the most scripturally advanced alien civilization in the galaxy. The 11th Dimensionals are a “Collective” of beings from Arcturians that are no longer in physical form like us and lower dimensional/density beings.
Reuben Interviews Anayana, who channels the 11th Dimensional Arcturian Collective. Anayana serves as a galactic channel, assisting in transmitting energy and information for healing, perspective, guidance, and activation. She is primarily connected with the 11th dimensional Arcturians, who seek to share in the simplicity of Love and the perspective of Oneness with humanity.
Reuben travels to San Antonio, Texas, and interviews the entities known as Ocyphius & Sly (short for Sylvester). They discuss global disclosure of the E.T. presence and how we all live in our reality bubbles. Both energies are channeled by Roxanne Swainhart.
Reuben travels to San Antonio, Texas, and interviews Roxanne Swainhart, who channels the entities known as Ocyphius & Sly (short for Sylvester).Roxanne’s journey to waken unto herself started when she felt the stirrings within in the spring of 2010. She felt a “truth” that could not be denied by her — following her own intuition, the discovery was he was a she within, a female vibration within a male body. A transgender. Coming to grips with this was one of the hardest ideas of self love she could imagine. Only knowing her truth to herself she chose to change here worldly identity to female. Roy died and Roxanne was born.With the guidance from the group leader, she was introduced to channelings from Abraham, Bashar, Kryon, and many others. She was fascinated. Over the next month, Roxie devoured videos and books galore to feed this unknown appetite, leading her to trust her thoughts, heart, self worth. In October of 2013, during a mediation, she felt the urges to speak while in meditation. Out came an unknown language — however, known to Roxie. She had never heard the words. However, she understood them as a language she had spoken, forever. This was here first experience of channeling.
In this episode Reuben Speaks with Sasha, a 4th density Pleiadian being. Sasha is channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt who has been channeling her for almost 3 decades. Sasha discuss her species evolution to 4th density, time travel, wormholes, and many other cosmic topics.
Once again Reuben sits down with Lyssa Royal Holt and Sasha, the 4th density Pleiadian. This time they are in Japan and Reuben attended Lyssa’s Annual Contact Retreat. Reuben follows up his first interview with questions about the Pleiadian history and free will. Also included are some highlights from the retreat.
Reuben sits down with channeler Lyssa Royal Holt. Lyssa Royal Holt has been a seminar leader, channel, and author since 1985. She is the co-director, with her husband Ronald Holt, of the Seed of Life Institute LLC and the SOLi School, an organization whose primary purpose is to assist individuals to understand the nature of consciousness and to put this understanding into practice in daily life – providing a road map to the process of realizing the true awareness beyond the human identity.Lyssa began her training and teaching in the mid-1980s. She was first formally trained as a trance channel by a well known and respected channel in Los Angeles. The approach to her training was psychological in nature, because doctoral candidates at UCLA were studying the process of channeling as it relates to personality integration and development, and her teacher was part of the research program. Because of this approach, and her B.A. in psychology, Lyssa learned channeling from the point-of-view that it could be a tool for spiritual evolution as channels learn to work with their egos so that it would not interfere in the channeling process. This profound method of learning to channel influences the way she teaches the skill today – as a tool for personal and spiritual evolution.
Arjun is a Hybrid 5th dimensional contact expert (in cooperation with the Pleiades/Shakani/Sirius/Mantid beings and many others) who offers reflections of love and inspiration to those who resonate with this route of information and wish to follow their heart, transform their fears and expand their consciousness. Arjun is Channeled by Wieteke Koolhof.
Wieteke Koolhof is an artist/life-coach and energy worker from the Netherlands, who remembers having been in contact with extra terrestrial beings starting at the age of 3. Throughout her life, her multidimensional experiences have led her to become a translator of Interstellar information both vocally as well as visually through her art.It is her heart-felt passion and joy to share love-based and self-empowering information with others about the role of extra terrestrials as we broaden our perception of “self” in this magical time of ascension. After “coming out” with her experiences around 2013, Wieteke now facilitates group and private sessions worldwide in person and via Skype, and she has become internationally known for her channelling work with Arjun of the YahYel.
In this episode Reuben travels to Salt Lake City and interviews Deéte, who channels various beings but for this interview about Earth's history she brought in the Orion Council of Light to go deep into our little known rich history.
In this episode Reuben travels to Salt Lake City and interviews Deéte who channels various beings. Deéte is a former Mormon who has embraced her extrasensory abilities, helping bridge the communication gap between other dimensions and this Earthly, third dimension through channeling and psychic mediumship.Born in Salt Lake City, Utah, Deéte grew up Mormon and graduated in 2008 with a Sociology Degree from Brigham Young University. After years of feeling unfulfilled and fractured within the religion, Deéte began to feel a sense of entrapment and decided the only way out was suicide.Shortly after this decision was made she began to have several spiritual awakening experiences, one including contact from her grandmother that had passed away within close proximity to this time. She then continued to have contact from beings from other dimensions, many who had noted they were not of the Earthly dimension.Deéte now channels for the deceased and extra dimensional beings in hopes to bring healing, hope, and understanding to the human species. She has three boys who have all expressed seeing angels or connecting with the deceased. Her children’s experiences have been one of validation and reward, indeed one of the greatest drives in her teaching and continuing this work of connecting spirit to the physical.
In this interview Shaun Swanson channels Ishuwa of the Yahyel, Reuben asks questions about the Yahyel civilization’s history and what role they have in interacting with humanity. They also discuss the constructs of reality and even the effects of A.I. artificial intelligence and its role in expanding humanity’s consciousness and preparing us for E.T. contact.
Reuben interviews Shaun Swanson. Shaun began channeling in 1995. He is a channel for members of our galactic soul family including: Ishuwa of the Yahyel, Arvantis of the Arkoreuns, and Onkor of the Sassani. Shaun graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California at Santa Barbara, UCSB.The experience of channeling is wonderfully enriching for Shaun. It connects him to ongoing interactions with a variety of human E.T.s and hybrid children that have origins in our galaxy and beyond. He experiences our E.T. soul family as being playful, highly intelligent, compassionate, curious, and delightfully fun. The information they share in group channeling events and in private channeling sessions is just one of many resources available that can awaken us to more of the heartfelt connections that exist with our galactic soul family!
In this episode hypnotherapist and E.T. researcher Barbara Lamb regresses Reuben to a state where he accesses deep profound information and truths.
Barbara Lamb is a specialist in regression therapy, having been trained for several years in the 1980s by the Association for Past Life Research and Therapies (APRT). For many years she has assisted people by conducting regression therapy: taking them to the original source of their problems and concerns, which sometimes includes revisiting significant events in previous lifetimes.In 1991 Barbara began working with E.T. experiencers (people who have encounters with extraterrestrial beings). She has counseled and conducted regressions with more than 1,400 of these people, totaling at least 3,000 regressions. Twenty-five of these cases are included in her book Alien Experiences, a collaborative work with writer and illustrator Nadine Lalich (2008).She is a teacher in the UFOlogy Department of the online International Metaphysical University.A prominent Crop Circle researcher since 1990, Barbara researches and conducts tours to crop circles in England each summer. She is a highly-sought lecturer on the subject of the Extraterrestrial phenomenon and on the subject of the Crop Circle phenomenon.
In this episode Reuben meets up with Bridget Nielsen, a channel and ambassador for various E.T./human hybrid children. Bridget introduces Reuben to one of his very own hybrid children as well as goes in depth and describes her own children and experiences with them.
In this episode Reuben interviews Bridget Nielsen, a channel and ambassador for various E.T./human hybrid children. Bridget is an author, artist, intuitive, medium, adventurer, raw chef and new world eco-pioneer. Through imagination and creativity, she fuses her expressions to lead a life of joy and excitement.One of Bridget’s major life themes is to BRIDG-ET. She bridges and merges extra-terrestrial beings with their human family, as an initial stage of first contact. Her primary focus, since early 2012, has been to create digital platforms to spread global awareness and remembrance about hybrid children. One of her great passions is connecting human parents with their hybrid children, created through the hybridization abduction program, to bridge contact and galactic expansion on Earth.
Reuben Interviews Robert Fullington and Jacquelin Smith, who both claim to be Human/E.T. hybrids with a percentage of their DNA coming from the Mantis Being race. The Mantis Beings or Mantoids are a mysterious race of praying mantis–looking beings that seem to be benevolent and heavily involved with human affairs.Reuben, having had his own personal contact from this race, got to speak to Robert and Jacquelin about his experience and corroborate his with theirs. Both Robert and Jacquelin have recently been featured by Meguel Mendonca and Barbara Lamb in the book Meet the Hybrids, and they were speaking about the book and their experiences at the 2016 International UFO Congress, where the interview took place.
Reuben had the opportunity to go to Japan to interview Ayako Sekino. Ayako first connected with the entity known as Bashar in 1987 and she has been participating in the awakening of our consciousness and the planet since. Bashar was made most popular by the changelings from Darryl Anka.After 5 years of channeling Bashar, Ayako decided to let go of that medium of expression to awaken to her true self by applying Bashar ‘s message to her life. Her books and seminars have inspired many throughout Japan. In 2000, she conceived “Infini,” a method to raise our vibration and “live awake,“ within our own dimension and universal consciousness. She has been holding classes internationally in Japan, the U.S. and France.In 2008, during a collaborative event with Darryl Anka and Bashar, she remembered a future life on Essassani as “Sister Sassani” (meaning “Living Light“) wherein she teaches awakening as she does in present life. Her presence is an invitation to shift to our true dimension of being, outside of the limitations of the Earth experience, expressing that all dimensions are accessible to anyone who desires to awaken.In this interview she discusses her first contact with the Sassani beings, her interactions with Bashar, and the teachings they have for the human race.
Reuben sits down with the one and only Darryl Anka for a novel and rousing interview about Darryl’s journey as a channel. For more than 35 years Darryl has been bringing through a remarkable multidimensional being from the future known as Bashar. In this episode, a discussion of telepathy and E.T. communication leads to a synchronistic and supernatural event that has become a common theme to the show.On two separate occasions in 1973 Darryl Anka witnessed close range UFOs. He became curious about UFOs and paranormal phenomena and through his research, Darryl learned of channeling. After experiencing a telepathic message from an E.T. who called himself Bashar, he realized that Bashar’s ship was the one he had seen ten years earlier. The rest is history, as he opened his connection up to the public for question after question. Join Darryl and Reuben for the second season opener of Interviews with Extra Dimensionals.
Vashta Narada is a lifelong consciousness explorer, E.T. communicator, researcher, geek, gamer and an intuitive artist from Belgrade, Serbia. She puts great importance on subjective experiences, seeing them as a doorway to other dimensions, beings and true understanding of consciousness. At the beginning of 2015 her life took an unexpected turn, and while looking for cosmic artwork for her project she ventured into creating her own graphics and has been doing it ever since.Her artwork is aimed at helping people establish more personal connections with the galactics. Vashta’s passion is inspiring imagination, different perspectives, creative thinking and the exploration of the infinite.Vashta’s E.T. portraits can be seen on the Cosmic Disclosure series on Gaia, book covers, in documentaries about extraterrestrial contact and displayed during lectures at The Conscious Life Expo, International UFO Congress and other similar events. She has worked with many channels to bring through visual representations of their guides. In this episode Reuben sits down with Vashta and explores her journey to help others make personal connections with the galactics.
Karen Neumann is an internationally respected spiritual teacher, intuitive and yogi as well as an integrated channel, medium, Reiki Master, radio host and metaphysical teacher. Her diverse background includes being a singer, dancer and writer, as well as working in the sport nutrition and fitness world. Following her inner guidance she shares Higher Consciousness Communications. American by birth, Hindu by soul, she helps people transform their limiting belief systems and cultivate their most fulfilling contribution to the world.As a channel Karen brings forward information from her non-physical guides, Theos, whose message is of Oneness and Unconditional Love. In this episode Reuben interviews Karen about her life as a channel and listening to our inner voice.
In this episode Reuben talks with Theos, a non-physical collective of beings that have evolved beyond the need for identification with star systems and planets. Theos are guides of humanity, teaching us about Unconditional Love and Oneness. Through channeler Karen Neumann, Reuben and Theos discuss following your joy and how standing up for what you believe in shifts collective energy.Karen Neumann is an integrated channel, medium, Reiki Master, radio host and metaphysical teacher. Her diverse background includes being a singer, dancer and writer, as well as working in the sport nutrition and fitness world.
Reuben sits down with Louise Kay to discuss her journey channeling and the collective known as AIKON. In her two-part interview Louise candidly shares why she’s moved on from channeling and where her spiritual path has taken her now. Witness more of the magical synchronicity common to the show as it expresses itself in colorful ways during the interviews.Louise Kay was born in Lancashire, in the northwest of the UK. She worked as an English teacher for 15 years after graduating from the university she attended. During this time, she began to question the deeper meaning of life and this led her to the path of spirituality, where she discovered a strong connection to the teachings of non-duality.In her early thirties Louise heard the inner call to visit India, where she experienced a profound spiritual awakening. Shortly after, Louise began channeling and was called to share her gift around the world. Her passion is to sit in presence and hold gentle, unconditionally loving space for all emotions, sensations and experiences that arise in the moment to support the integration of unresolved energies and allow the unfolding of the divine in all who feel the call.
Reuben sits down with AIKON, a 9th-dimensional Pleiadian Collective brought through by Louise Kay. AIKON discusses their role in assisting humanity during this time of great change as well as the importance of addressing negative beliefs and expressing emotions. After the transmission, Louise guides a beautiful and powerful meditation.Louise Kay, channel of AIKON, was born in Lancashire, in the northwest of The UK. Her passion is to sit in presence and hold unconditionally loving space for all emotions, sensations and experiences that arise in the moment.
Reuben interviews channel Lee Harris, who began doing intuitive readings out of his home in England in 2004. Lee channels a collective energy family known as the Zs, and Reuben gets to know more about both the Z’s and Lee Harris’ personal journey to support people with practical guidance for navigating daily life with clarity, empowerment, and optimism.A life-changing moment with spirituality happened in 1998 for Lee when he heard the voice of his spirit guides, The Zs. This relationship resulted in a well-spring of channeled guidance. While the spiritual partnership remains vibrant and strong, the channeled teachings are now mostly reserved for audio recording sessions, some live events, and the monthly Q&A broadcasts with Portal members. Lee's work is about seeing, feeling and working with the energy and consciousness present in everything, while grounding and balancing your developing sensitivity.
In this episode Reuben sits down with Lee Harris to have a conversation with “The Zs,” who are a collective energy family that speaks through Lee. The channeling session leads to an insightful discussion about the nature of darkness and navigating tricky situations.
In part 1 of this interview, Reuben visits “Olandar,” the Malibu home of artist, author, actor and visual philosopher Leigh McCloskey, to discuss the archetypes of Extra Dimensionals. Leigh starred in many television shows and movies throughout the years, but the magic comes from his being a modern-day wizard. In his incredible home library, Leigh and Reuben have a far out conversation about the nature of reality.Leigh has lived a life dedicated to the exploration of the archetypal and hidden aspects of the psyche through his art and experiences as a professional actor for many years. He is the author and artist of seven books and numerous essays. In TAROT ReVISIONed, Leigh has created an entirely new and unique series of drawings representing the twenty-two archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. His other writings and art combine a thorough knowledge of arcane wisdom, depth psychology and mythic imagination. He is the founder of Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance (OFFER) and his goal is to seed imaginative and creative renaissance within the ever-evolving story of psyche & soul and the artistry of consciousness.
In part 2 of this interview, Reuben continues his visit at “Olandar,” the Malibu home of artist, author, actor and visual philosopher Leigh McCloskey, to discuss the archetypes of Extra Dimensionals. In the incredible home library, Leigh and Reuben have a far out conversation about the nature of reality.Leigh has lived a life dedicated to the exploration of the archetypal and hidden aspects of the psyche through his art and experiences as a professional actor for many years. He is the author and artist of seven books and numerous essays. In TAROT ReVISIONed Leigh has created an entirely new and unique series of drawings representing the twenty-two archetypes of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. His other writings and art combine a thorough knowledge of arcane wisdom, depth psychology and mythic imagination. He is the founder of Olandar Foundation for Emerging Renaissance (OFFER) and his goal is to seed imaginative and creative renaissance within the ever-evolving story of psyche & soul and the artistry of consciousness.
In this episode Reuben Interviews Georgia Jean who channels a non-physical collective known as “The Circle of Light.” They guided her constantly to help expand her knowledge, experience and understanding in a broad range of fields, including remote healing, the human energy field, the chakra system, vibrational sound healing, hypnosis, psychology, creative visualization, and crystal healing.Georgia’s journey into metaphysics began at the age of fifteen when she was given a book on palmistry. This quickly evolved into a fascination with astrology, tarot, and anything that could help her understand "why we are the way we are." At twenty, she was introduced to the incredible benefits of transcendental meditation, which began her lifelong love and practice of meditation techniques.She began to channel a group of nonphysical entities made up of angels, guides and Ascended Masters who called themselves the Circle of Light. In this interview Reuben learns more about Georgia’s journey, and dives into “The Circle of Light” with her.
“The Circle of Light,” channeled by Georgia Jean, is a non-physical collective of entities made up of angels, guides and Ascended Masters here to support the Ascension process of humanity. In this episode the “Circle” helps Reuben understand and go through some of his own personal blockages. The Circle offers him simple tools to short circuit the mind’s tricks, and allow integration to happen fully, activating the Master Consciousness Creator Self.“The Circle” is constantly guiding Georgia to expand her knowledge, experience and understanding in a broad range of fields, including remote healing, the human energy field, the chakra system, vibrational sound healing, hypnosis, psychology, creative visualization, and crystal healing.