Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Aired Order / Season 8 / Episode 9
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / DVD Order / Season 8 / Episode 9
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 232
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 308

Stay Inspired: Oracles and Intuition with Colette Baron-Reid

What happens when you're creating a brand new project and you're scared? That's a question Lisa Garr, who is contemplating a new venture, asks Colette Baron-Reid in this insightful interview, originally webcast on April 27, 2016. Colette responds that fear and stress contract the mind and do not allow the “I Am” to be operating in your favor. That's when you would go to the oracle, because the oracle can reflect to you what you cannot see -- because when you're in a contracted state you are unable to access your intuition. Watch, as Colette coaches Lisa through selecting Oracle cards and then commenting on their meaning.Colette Baron-Reid is an internationally renowned intuitive counselor, educator and best-selling author who helps others recognize and connect with their own intuition, potential and purpose. She is also a powerful motivational speaker, charismatic broadcast personality and acclaimed performer, storyteller and recording artist.

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  • Created April 21, 2020 by
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  • Modified April 21, 2020 by
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