Dr. Pillai is a spiritual scientist, academic scholar and world thought leader who has been featured in Time magazine for his deep commitment to helping people across the globe realize their full human potential. He is an Enlightened Master from the South Indian Siddha tradition, an unbroken ancient lineage of spiritual scientists who have reached the pinnacle of human evolution. In this deeply revelatory interview with Lisa Garr, originally webcast October 30, 2014, he discusses the relationships among meditation, mind, body, time and realms of reality, as well as the power of intention in the elimination of poverty.Dr. Baskaran Pillai is an international teacher, spiritual leader, humanitarian and scholar-mystic from Southern India. Dr. Pillai is the founder of the Pillai Center for MindScience whose mission is to alleviate human pain and suffering in all forms with education geared toward enhancing human intelligence and positively transforming every aspect of life. He is the author of several books including, Life Changing Sounds: Tools from the Other Side, Miracles of the Avatar, and One Minute Guide to Prosperity and Enlightenment.