A real estate tycoon experiences a personal transformation and goes from earth conqueror to earth keeper. It may sound like the makings of a movie, but this is the real-life story of Adam C. Hall, chairman of The EarthKeeper Alliance. In his interview with host Lisa Garr, originally webcast on September 19, 2013, Hall discusses his unyielding passion for restoring/ keeping the earth and its inhabitants.Adam C. Hall was an investment-banker and real estate developer when an unconventional and unexpected 'mid-life crisis radically altered his relationship to the earth. Now, he is the Chairman and Founding Steward of Earthkeeper Alliance Inc. Earthkeeper's 501c3 Urban Gardens, educates youths, their families and communities to grow, eat and sustain their own food and nourishment through local gardens. Connecting youth to the Earth through Urban Gardens will build community and healthy food!