As a highly trained neurosurgeon, Dr. Eben Alexander argued that near-death experiences were impossible – until he experienced one first-hand. In this fascinating interview with Lisa Garr, originally webcast on August 8, 2013, Dr. Alexander recounts his journey beyond this world, and his return as a changed man.Dr. Eben Alexander, author of Proof of Heaven, is a renowned academic neurosurgeon who spent 54 years honing his scientific worldview. Everything changed the day his life-threatening battle with a rare bacterial meningitis threw him into a seven-day coma. When he woke, the Near-Death Experience (NDE) he'd had--while his neocortex was completely shut down--challenged him to reconsider everything he thought he knew about consciousness and the brain. He has spent the last five years reconciling his rich spiritual experience with contemporary physics and cosmology.