Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 34
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / DVD Order / Season 1 / Episode 34
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 34

Mitch Battros on the Sun's Influence on Climate Change

Could the sun – not greenhouse gases – be the reason for climate change? What is the true cause of the Earth's cyclical weather events? Can we predict extreme weather events such as earthquakes, tornadoes and hurricanes?Find out with thought-provoking author and solar flare expert Mitch Battros, one of the leading researchers of the sun’s causal effects on the earth’s weather patterns. With severe weather events seemingly on the rise, Battros also shares how ancient Mayan texts and the latest scientific findings are connected.Broadcaster and founder of Earth Changes Media, Mitch Battros presents fascinating, and sometimes shocking, research from the world's top scientists. After years of dialogue with these experts, he published his first two books -- Solar Rain: The Earth Changes Have Begun and Global Warming: A Convenient Disguise, which has played a major role in shifting the scientific communities understanding of the Sun-Earth Connection.

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  • Created April 21, 2020 by
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  • Modified April 21, 2020 by
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