Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Aired Order / Season 1 / Episode 24
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / DVD Order / Season 1 / Episode 24
Home / Series / Inspirations with Lisa Garr / Absolute Order / Season 1 / Episode 24

Victoria Boutenko on the Green Smoothie Revolution

When Victoria Boutenko moved her family from the Soviet Union to the United States, she was leaving a land of shortages for a land of plenty, and she just assumed that the wealthiest nation in the world would have the healthiest food. She soon discovered otherwise as, after a year or two of eating a typical American diet of processed foods, the health of everyone in her family began to deteriorate dramatically. She knew she had to make a change, and after much research and a chance encounter, she decided to embrace a raw-food diet – much to the dismay, originally, of her family members.Improvement was felt literally overnight – after just one day of raw foods, everyone noticed how much better and more energetic they felt already. They became known as the Raw Family, and proselytized for their healthy new diet with books and videos. In time, however, they decided to take their nutrition regimen a step further, and embrace a “green food” diet, combining leafy green vegetables with fruits for optimum health.Join Victoria Boutenko as she talks with Lisa Garr about the nutritional research behind a green food diet and then demonstrates three easy and delicious smoothies – her Green Smoothie for Beginners, Coconut Green Eggnog, and a Rainbow Smoothie.Bonus Content:Coconut Green Eggnog Smoothie Recipe and Green Rainbow Smoothie Recipe.

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  • Modified April 21, 2020 by
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