Norway has got new fighters. As the first Norwegian TV team, Insider has been involved when the new F-35 aircraft are fighting in the air. The billion purchase has been controversial and the debate has raged. What makes the aircraft worth $250 billion? In tonight's program, reporter Atle meets the Norwegian pilots under training in the United States to investigate what we really bought.
Norge har fått nye jagerfly. Som første norske TV-team har Insider vært med når de nye F-35-flyene kjemper i lufta. Milliard-kjøpet har vært omstridt og debatten har rast. Hva gjør flyene verdt 250 milliarder kroner? I kveldens program møter reporter Atle de norske pilotene under opplæring i USA, for å undersøke hva vi egentlig har kjøpt.