Raven chicks are born in the tower for the first time in 30 years - but only one of the newborn birds can stay, and ravenmaster Chris faces the tough decision of choosing one to keep and finding suitable homes for all the others. The tower director prepares to retire after 15 years, and takes a moment to enjoy his final gun salute, while AJ Clarke, only the second woman to join the Yeoman warders, embarks on a fitness regime that soon leaves her in need of a new uniform. Plus, a look at the story of the time the future Queen Elizabeth I was imprisoned in the tower for plotting to overthrow her sister, Queen Mary.
The chief yeoman warder oversees the tower's celebration of the end of the First World War, and special preparations are made for the tower director's retirement party, involving a military band and a unique farewell as he leaves the tower for the last time. Newly hatched raven George is introduced to the rest of the birds, not all of whom take kindly to newcomers, and historian Tracy Borman unearths the story of Roger Casement, who was executed for treason for supporting Irish independence during the First World War.
The new tower director starts work on the same day that Donald Trump visits London, while curator Eleri Lynn goes in search of a recently rediscovered royal treasure - the last surviving dress made for Elizabeth I, which has turned up in a small village church in Herefordshire. Plus, a look at the golden armour of Charles I and the ultimate fate of Henry VIII's imperial crown.
The stories behind some of the most dramatic escape attempts from the tower, including Henry Howard, who tried to avoid execution by making his way through the sewage system. In the present day, curator Sally Dixon-Smith deciphers some graffiti by a Tudor mystic who mysteriously disappeared, while Yeoman warder Chris Clawson reveals why the tower is still a spooky place to work in after dark.
The 20th century witnessed the most executions in the Tower's history, all German spies captured in the two world wars. Suffragette Leonora Cohen took aim at the Crown Jewels.
A look at the secret lives of the Tower's keepers.
Exploring the Tower's reputation as the most terrifying prison in the country, which over the centuries has held a variety of inmates from Tudor nobles to East End gangsters.
Exploring the Tower of London's dark and infamous past as a place of terror and execution and how it got its grisly reputation.