Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh: drei berühmte Sektenführer, die es mit bizarren Methoden und Gehirnwäsche geschafft haben, ihre Anhänger zu manipulieren und gefügig zu machen. Was zeichnet diese Menschen aus, die Hunderte von Menschen in ihren Bann ziehen konnten – bis hin zur absoluten Bewusstseinskontrolle? Die ihre Jünger gar zu Mördern machten? Gibt es ein Gen für Größenwahn?
They are some of the most powerful business executives on the planet, described as, "part CEO, part terrorist and part rock star." Crime Lords control powerful organizations that generate unimaginable wealth. But their fortunes aren't created through clever corporate strategy. Their businesses are built on gambling, drugs, intimidation, fear and murder. Their tactics are heartless, their methods are cruel and their psychology is pure evil. Al Capone, John Gotti, Pablo Escobar and Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman. They are the cunning and ruthless leaders of syndicates, cartels, mobs and crime families throughout the world. Most are scorned by their rivals, despised by law enforcement but strangely, loved by their people in their communities. What is the root of their determination to become crime lords? What is the complex and twisted mindset that drives these men to achieve enormous financial success, while not hesitating to murder with cold-blooded brutality?
John Gotti, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo ou encore Al Capone : les barons du crime suscitent l'admiration du public malgré leurs atrocités... ou peut-être grâce à elles.
I boss John Gotti, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo e Al Capone suscitano l'ammirazione del pubblico nonostante le loro orribili azioni... o forse proprio grazie a esse.
Os reis do crime John Gotti, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo e Al Capone são admirados pelo público, apesar das atrocidades que cometeram... ou talvez por isso mesmo.
Ökända brottslingar som John Gotti, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo och Al Capone blir beundrade av allmänheten trots – eller kanske på grund av – sina hemska förbrytelser.
Os mestres do crime John Gotti, Pablo Escobar, El Chapo e Al Capone conquistam a admiração pública apesar de seus atos hediondos (ou talvez por causa deles).