Sie vergewaltigen, dominieren und foltern ihre Opfer: Kidnapper. Meistens sind es Kinder, die über Monate, Jahre oder sogar Jahrzehnte gefangen gehalten werden. Was geht in diesen Menschen vor? Was ist ursächlich für ihre sadistischen und grausamen Wünsche? In der Folge „Kidnapping“ des Mehrteilers „Inside the Criminal Mind“ gehen Psychologen und Profiler diesen Fragen auf den Grund.
Their names made international headlines for their cruel and sadistic acts. Kidnappers who abducted young women, imprisoned them for months, years or even decades and subjected them to rape and torture - sometimes even fathering children with their captives. Psychologists and profilers struggle to understand the motives and mindset behind these horrendous, long-term abductions. Ariel Castro captured and sexually abused three young women for a decade. Phillip Garrido took Jaycee Dugard when she was just 11 and imprisoned her for 18 years, fathering two daughters with ...
Pourquoi commettent-ils cela et comment parviennent-ils à le faire impunément ? D'Ariel Castro à Josef Fritzl, plongez dans l'esprit des pires kidnappeurs de l'histoire.
Perché lo fanno e come riescono a cavarsela? Esplora la mente le menti dei sequestratori più odiosi di sempre, tra cui Ariel Castro e Josef Fritzl.
Porque o fazem, e como conseguem fazê-lo? Entre nas mentes dos mais abomináveis raptores da história, incluindo Ariel Castro e Josef Fritzl.
Varför gör de det och hur kommer de undan med det? Utforska några av historiens värsta kidnappare, bland annat Ariel Castro och Josef Fritzl.
Por que agem assim? Como se safam? Mergulhe nas mentes dos sequestradores mais sórdidos da história, como Ariel Castro e Josef Fritzl.