Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Wisconsin review. Stanford preview. Guests: Bill McCartney, Rick Leach, Russell Davis, Dick Leach)
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Stanford review. Baylor preview. Guests/Topics: Lindsy McLean (head trainer), Bennie Oosterbaan..
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Baylor review. Missouri preview. Guests/Topics: George Cavender, U-M Marching Band, Ron Kramer.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Missouri review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Don Lund (associate athletic director) talks about other U of M sports
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Michigan State review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Keith Jackson (ABC Sports), Harry Newman.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Northwestern review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics Homecoming, football traffic and police presence, Terry Barr.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Minnesota review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Assistant coaches, 1925 Football team.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Purdue review. Illinois preview. Topics: Kirk Lewis, Jim Smith 83-yard TD catch.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Illinois review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: past OSU Highlights, Snow Bowl, Bob Ufer.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Bill McCartney Technique School, Calvin O'Neal, Greg Morton, Rick Leach, Rob Lytle.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Wisconsin review. Stanford preview. Guests/Topics: Cheerleader Clinic, Don Dufek on the 1951 Rose Bowl.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Stanford review. Navy preview. Guests/Topics: President Gerald Ford, Dick Rifenburg, Rick Forzano.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Navy review. Wake Forest preview. Guests/Topics: Lowell Perry.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Michigan State review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Dr. Tom Gilliam on the 3 S (scientific stretching for sport) method, Jack Clancy.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Northwestern review. Indiana Preview. Guests/Topics: Gary Moeller, Bob Timberlake
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Indiana review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Greg Morton, Leo Koceski.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Minnesota review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Homecoming, Roger Zatkoff.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Purdue review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Marching band practice, George Cavender (Conductor: U of M Marching Band), David Raimey.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Rob Lytle, Calvin O'Neal, Ann Arbor reaction- Dooley's, Chuck Ortmann.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Larry Adderley. Rose Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: John Robinson (Head Coach - USC), Bo Schembechler, Gary Jeter, Clay Matthews, Eric Williams, Ricky Bell, Vince Evans, Shelton Diggs, Dwight Hicks, Jim Pickens, Calvin O'Neal.
Analysis of the last year by Bo Schembechler. His thoughts on the Michigan Replay show.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Miami preview. Season preview. Guests/Topics: Reggie McKenzie's Camp, John Wangler, Ron Simpkins, Rich Strenger, Stefan Humphries, Stanley Edwards, Tom Seabron.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Miami review. Washington preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Washington review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Brad Cochran (cornerback).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Dave Garlow (film and videotape coordinator).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Don Canham (athletic director).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Lloyd Carr (defensive backfield coach).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Northwestern review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Wide receivers - Paul Jokisch, Sim Nelson, Vince Bean.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: TV contracts, Don Canham (athletic director) - NCAA troubles, enforcement.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Purdue preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Chris Zurbrugg.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Fan antics.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Study Table, George Hoey (academic counselor), Tim Walter (learning skills director), Jim Harbaugh, Sim Nelson, Paul Jokisch, Michael Dames.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Holiday Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: All in the Family -- Balourdos, Hammersteins, Holloways, Mallory brothers, Mandels, Schultes, Stites, Moellers.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season preview. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: 1985 Wolverine team, new offensive line blocking rules.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. South Carolina preview. Guests/Topics: Jim Harbaugh (quarterback).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. South Carolina review. Maryland preview. Guests/Topics: "Bo's winning speech".
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Maryland review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Big Ten preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Sports Information - Bruce Madej (sports information director), Jim Schneider (assistant sid), Mike Murray (assistant sid), Pat Perry (press box announcer). Garland Rivers highlights. Gerald White highlights.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Steroids, Mike Gittleson (strength and conditioning coach), Russ Miller (head trainer).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Position changes: Erik Campbell (wide receiver), Bob Tabachino (center), Gerald White (fullback).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: NCAA Death Penalty - Part 1, Harold Shapiro (president University of Michigan), Dr. Paul Gikas (U of M faculty rep), Don Canham (U of M athletic director). Jim Harbaugh and Jamie Morris highlights.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Injuries, Mike Reinhold.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Michigan defense, Tony Gant (free safety), Brad Cochran (cornerback), Mike Hammerstein (defensive tackle), Billy Harris (middleguard), Mike Mallory (linebacker).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Ohio state preview. Guests/Topics: NCAA Death Penalty - Part 2, Dr. Harold Shapiro (U of M president), Dr. Paul Gikas (U of M faculty repesentative), Don Canham (U of M athletic director).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Locker room celebration, Ivan Hicks and John Kolesar highlights, Ernie Holloway, Jamie Morris, Thomas Wilcher.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Nebraska preview. Guests/Topics: Brad Cochran, Bob Hurst, John Falk (equipment manager), Bill Frieder ( U of M basketball coach), Jim Smith (owner - Washtenaw Dairy).
Fiesta Bowl (versus Nebraska) preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season preview. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: A look at the 1986 team, Lloyd Carr (coach - defensive backs), Tirrel Burton (coach - offensive backs), Andy Moeller (inside linebacker), Paul Jokisch (wide receiver), Michael Dames (offensive guard) Carlitos Bostic (outside linebacker), Brent White (defensive tackle).
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. Oregon State preview. Guests/Topics: Jim Harbaugh highlights, Bill Harris (receiver's coach) profile.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Oregon State review. Florida State preview. Guests/Topics: Tailgating, Ken Myers, Geri Lester, Mel Lester, Jamie Morris, Ivan Hicks.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Florida State review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Big Ten bios, Thomas Wilcher, Bill Harris highlights.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Ken Higgins and Andy Moeller highlights, Bo's 200th win.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Tom Reed (outside linebacker coach), Mark Messner, John Kolesar.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Bo's winning speech, Mike Gillette, John Vitale, Erick Campbell, Gerald White.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Jim Harbaugh, Dave Folksterma, Garland Rivers, Bob Perryman. Demo Squad - Don Lessner Jr. (defensive back), Warde Manuel Fr. (defensive tackle), Alex Agase (demo coach), .)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Hilights - Paul Jokisch, Dieter Herren, Jim Harbaugh piece.) (U-matic Videotape) [view item]
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Derrick Walker (tight end) knee injury, Dr. Gerald O'Connor, Russ Miller (head trainer).)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Gerald White (running back).)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Andree McIntyre, Andy Moeller, Fielding H. Yost, Bo Schrmbechler winning 166th game.) (U-matic Videotape) [view item]
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Hawaii preview. Guests/Topics: Paul Jokisch (wide receiver), Jamie Morris (tailback), Cam Cameron (assistant coach), highlights.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Hawaii review. Rose Bowl (Arizona) preview. Guests/Topics: Bob Perryman (fb), The offensive line, Elliot Uzelac (offensive line coach), Jerry Quaerna (quick tackle), Michael Dames (quick guard), Mark Hammerstein (strong guard), John Elliott (strong tackle), John Vitale (center), Mike Husar (quick tackle), Cam Cameron. highlights - Paul Jokisch, Jamie Morris, Ken Higgins, John Kolesar, Jim Harbaugh.)
(Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Rose Bowl Special. Arizona preview. Season review. Guests/Topics: Past Rose Bowl quarterbacks - John Wangler, Rick Leach, Steve Smith. Interviews - Jim Harbaugh (quarterback), Greg McMurty (freshman).)
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season preview. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: Bo's talk on de-emphasis, preview of 1987 team, Jamie Morris (tailback), John Elliot (strong tackle), Michael Dames (offensive tackle), Tom Dohring (offensive tackle), Derrick Walker (tight end), Jeff Brown (tight end), Jarrod Bunch (fullback), Phil Webb (fullback/tailback), Allen Jefferson (tailback), Greg McMurtry (wide receiver), John Kolesar (wide receiver), Mark Messner (defensive tackle), Dave Folkertsma (defensive tackle), Billy Harris (midle guard), Carlitos Bostic (defensive tackle), Andrea McIntyre, J.J. Grant (inside linebacker), Steve Thibert (outside linebacker), Doug Mallory (strong safety), Erik Campbell (cornerback), Tripp Welborne (flanker), Greg Skrepenak (offensive tackle), Dave Diebolt (tight end). Quarterbacks - Michael Taylor, Demetrius Brown.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. Washington State preview. Guests/Topics: Accepting money from agents to sign and NFL supplemental draft - Charles Gladman (Pittsburgh) and Chris Carter (Ohio State).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Washington State review. Long Beach State preview. Guests/Topics: Coach position changes - Tirrell Burton (offensive backfield), Alex Agase (special teams), Les Miles (interior offensive line), Bobby Morrision (outside linebackers), Tom Reed (defensive line), Bill Harris (defensive backs), Cam Cameron (receivers), Gary Moeller (offensive coordinator), Jerry Hanlon (offensive line), Lloyd Carr (defensive coordinator), Highlights - Bill Harris, Erick Campbell, Demetrius Taylor.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Long Beach State review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics Highlights - Anthony Mitchell, Jamie Morris. Big Ten Preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Derrick Walker, John Elliott, Jamie Morris, Demetrius Brown, Mark Messner. Russ Miller (head trainer). Injuries - Mike Gittleson (strength and conditioning coach).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Jamie Morris, John Herrman. Monte Robbins piece.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Greg McMurtry, T.J. Osman.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - John Vitale, Mark Messner. Jerry Hanlon (offensive line coach).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Northwestern review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Michael Taylor, Dave Folkesterma. John Falk (equipment manager).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Leroy Hoard, Chris Calloway, Jamie Morris.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - John Vitale, Phil Webb, Bill Harris. Mentor program - Anne Monterio (director of academic services: college of engineering), John Herrman (defensive tackle), Tripp Welborne (receiver).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Running backs - Butch Woolfolk, Rob Lytle, Jamie Morris.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Alabama Hall of Fame Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: Don Canham (athletic director).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Alabama - Hall of fame Bowl preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season preview. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: Bo as athletic director, quarterback, returning players, preparation.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. Miami (La) preview. Guests/Topics: Jack Weidenbach. Highlights - Michael Taylor, Mark Messner, Mike Gillette. Bo as athletic director. Jack Weidenbach (senior assoc. athletic director).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Miami (La) review. Wake Forest preview. Guests/Topics: Tight ends Derrick Walker, Jeffrey Brown.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wake Forest review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tripp Welborne, Tony Boles, John Vitale. Big Ten Preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tony Boles, Brent White, Greg McMurtry, Vada Murray. Offensive line - John Vitale (center) and Mike Husar (offensive guard).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - LeRoy Hoard, Mike Gillette, David Key, John Milligan. New player of the year award - Coache's Choice player of the year award.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Michael Taylor, John Vitale, Jeff Brown, Mark Messner. Mike Gillette (kicker).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Hilights - Leroy Hoard, Alex Marshall, Greg McMurtry, Chris Calloway, Mark Messner. Agents.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Northwestern review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tripp Welborne, Jarrod Bunch, John Kolesar. "Nothing But A Good Time".
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Demetrius Brown, Erick Anderson, Mike Gillette, Tony Boles. 50th reunion of 1938 team, Tom Harmon, Forest Evashevski.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Erick Anderson, Marc Spencer, Mike Husar, Leroy Hoard. New football building (Schembechler Hall), Fritz Seyferth (assistant athletic director for development), Gunnar Birkerts (building architect).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Season review. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Leroy Hoard, John Kolesar, Mark Spencer. Mark Messner profile.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Southern California Trojans preview. Guests/Topics: John Vitale, Mark Messner, John Kolesar. Recruiting, Bob Chmiel (recruiting coordinator).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. USC Rose Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: Tripp Welborne, Erick Anderson, Rodney Peete, Erik Affholter, Larry Smith (USC head coach), John Vitale, Tim Ryan, Scott Ross, Chuck Stobart.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter.1988 season review.Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: Returning players.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. UCLA preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Elvis Grbac. 20-year reunion of 1969 team.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. UCLA review. Maryland preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tripp Welborne, Vada Murray, J.D. Carlson, Tony Boles.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Maryland review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Gre McMurtry, Leroy Hoard, Bobby Abrams. Big Ten preview.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Lance Dottin, Alex Marshall Allen Jefferson. "Moving Pains": John Falk (equipment manager).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Vada Murray, Tony Boles, Derrick Walker. Wide receivers - Greg McMurtry, Chris Calloway.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Michael Taylor, Brian Townsend, Greg McMurtry. Mitch Albom on BO book.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tony Boles, Steve Everitt, John Milligan. Vada Murray (free safety) profile.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Chris Calloway, Tripp Welborne, Leroy Hoard, Alex Marshall.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Michael Taylor, J.J. Grant, Tony Boles. Team defense - "Nothing You Can Do" - Lloyd Carr (defensive coordinator), Mike Teeter, Bobby Abrams, Erick Anderson, Tripp Welborne.
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Greg McMurtry. Mike Evans, Michael Taylor. Feature - 1969 UM-OSU game (for "Ten Year War"), Woody Hayes, Bill Harris, Jerry Hanlon, Gary Moeller .
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review.Guests/Topics: Highlights - Todd Plate, Jarrod Bunch, Leroy Hoard. New Building - Center for Champions, Jack Weidenbach (associate athletic director).
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tony Boles, Michael Taylor, Mike Teeter. Michigan basketball, Steve Fisher (head basketball coach)
Hosts: Bo Schembechler, Jim Brandstatter. Rose Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: Larry Smith (USC head coach), Todd Marinovich (USC quarterback), J.J. Grant (linebacker), Mark Carrier (USC free safety), Greg McMurtry (wide receiver), Tim Ryan (USC defensive tackle), Leroy Hoard (tailback), Michael Taylor (quarterback), Junior Seau (USC linebacker), Gary Moeller as new coach.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: Gary Moeller as new coach, returning players, Elvis Grbac (quarterback).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. UCLA preview. Guests/Topics: Tripp Welborne, John Vaughn, Desmond Howard, David Key. Jim Hermann (inside linebacker coach).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. UCLA review. Maryland preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Greg Skrepenak, Jon Vaughn, Lance Dottin, Chris Hutchinson, Erick Anderson.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Maryland review. Wisconsin preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Martin Davis, Elvis Grbac, Lance Dottin, Derrick Alexander. Big Ten preview.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Wisconsin review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Desmond Howard, Todd Plate, Ricky Powers, Tripp Welborne. Center of Champions.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Jon Vaughn, Erick Anderson, Desmond Howard, Jarrod Bunch. Penn State joining Big Ten.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Tripp Welborne, Tom Dohring, Allen Jefferson. Russ Miller (head trainer).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Elvis Grbac, Marion Davis, Dan Ding man. Bennie Oosterbaan obituary, Don Lund.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Dwayne Ware, Tom Dohring, Steve Rekowski, John Milligan. Special Teams.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - T.J. Osman, J.D. Carlson, Jarrod Bunch. Cam Cameron (quarterback coach).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Neil Simpson, Desmond Howard, Jarrod Bunch. Tripp Welborne profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Lance Dottin, T.J. Osman, J.D. Carlson, Elvis Grbac. Dean Dingman profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Football Bust. Guests/Topics: Senior Salute. Jarrod Bunch profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Mississippi Gator Bowl preview.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Mississippi Gator Bowl review. Boston College preview. Season preview. Guests/Topics: Returning players. Boston College preview
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Boston College review. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Greg Skrepenak, Desmond Howard, Steve Morrison, Erick Anderson. New Turf at Michigan Stadium.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. Guests/Topics: Schembechler Hall Center of Champions.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Florida State preview. Guests/Topics: Bowl Mergers. Robert Cheney (President, Rose Bowl) Video as a coaching tool. Karl Couyoumjian (V.P. Thalner Electronic Labs).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Florida State review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Ricky Powers.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Dave Ritter, Brian Townsend, Jesse Johnson, Steve Everitt, Desmond Howard. Erick Anderson profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Elvis Grbac, Chris Hutchinson, Ricky Powers, Desmond Howard. Steve Everitt profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Dwayne Ware, Desmond Howard, Buster Stanley, Erick Anderson. Paul Schmidt profile (head trainer).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Ricky Powers, Greg Skrepenak, Elvis Grbac, Desmond Howard, Chris Hutchinson.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Desmond Howard, Elvis Grbac, Mike Evans. "M Money Matters", Bob DeCarolis (associate athletic director internal operations).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Northwestern review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Matt Elliott, Ninef Aghakhan, Tyrone Wheatley, Brian Townsend. Greg Skrepenak profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Ohio State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - J.D. Carlson, Buster, Stanley, Joe Cocozzo. Scholarship Endowment.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Erick Anderson, Lance Dottin, Ken Sollom, Greg McThomas, Desmond Howard, Brian Townsend. Desmond Howard profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Football Bust recap. Season review. Guests/Topics: Senior Salute, marketing and sales strategies in Michigan athletics, Don Triveline (associate athletic director business operations), Art Vuolo (The Radioguide Inc.).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Washington Rose Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: Erick Anderson (inside linebacker), Craig Curry (academic counselor).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Washington Rose Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: Previous Rose Bowls - "How they got there", player match-ups, Award winner.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Guests/Topics: Review of Summer Camp: Lloyd Carr (michigan camp director). Tirrell Burton (assistant coach) and Jerry Hanlon (assistant coach) leaving as coaches. Jim Harbaugh. Paul Seymour. Jarrod Bunch. Three new assistant coaches: Greg Mattison, Fred JAckson, Mike DeBoro.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame preview. Guests/Topics: Returning players.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Notre Dame review. Oklahoma State preview. Guests/Topics: Highlights - Chris Hutchinson, Derrick Alexander, Steve Everitt, Corwin Brown. Gender Equity - Peggy Bradley-Doppes (Assoc. Ath. Dir. Women's Sports).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Oklahoma State review. Houston preview. Guests/Topics: Steve Everritt profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Houston review. Iowa preview. Guests/Topics: Analysis of Big Ten.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Iowa review. Michigan State preview. Guests/Topics: Capital Campaign.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Michigan State review. Indiana preview. Guests/Topics: Graduate assistant coaches, T.J. Weist (grad. assistant coach).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Indiana review. Minnesota preview. Guests/Topics: Speed and size, Mike Gittleson (strength and conditioning coach) profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Minnesota review. Purdue preview. Guests/Topics: 1000th Michigan game.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Purdue review. Northwestern preview. Guests/Topics: Derrick Alexander profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Northwestern review. Illinois preview. Guests/Topics: M-Den, Doug Horning (M-Den co-owner), Dave Hirth (M-Den co-owner).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Illinois review. Ohio State preview.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Ohio State review. Guests/Topics: Chris Hutchinson profile.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Football Bust recap Guests/Topics: Gender Equity 2, Peggy Bradley-Doppes (associate athletic director). Basketball preview, Steve Fisher (head coach), Trish Roberts (head coach).
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Season review. Washington Rosebowl preview. Guests/Topics: Gender Equity 2; Basketball preview.
Hosts: Gary Moeller, Jim Brandstatter. Rose Bowl preview. Guests/Topics: Lloyd Carr (defensive coordinator), Cam Cameron (quarterbacks and receivers coach), Don James (head coach - Washington).
Inside Michigan Football: ECU Edition (9/3/23)
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