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Season 1

  • S01E01 Michael Roizen

    • Gaia

    What causes aging and how can a decline in quality of life be prevented? Dr. Michael Roizen, author of Real Age, offers solutions about how to decrease your real age. Real age is different from calendar age in that it reflects the well-being and health risks that our age represents. If a 70 year old can win Iron Man Triathlons while a 55 year old dies of a heart attack, do we really think that the number of birthdays we've counted is the best way to measure the way we age?Supported by research and scientific studies, Dr. Roizen explains the value you get in life age in relation to your activities. He offers practical activities that we can all incorporate into our lives to maintain our minds and bodies that have an effective and efficient outcome.

  • S01E02 Beyond Fear: Twelve Spiritual Keys to Racial Healing (Kokomon Clottey & Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey)

    • Gaia

    Are you seeking to understand racial healing in a spiritual context? In the modern era, our understanding of race is changing. Kokomon Clottey, who is from Ghana, gives the example of email addresses being ambiguous to ethnic and racial background. Many times, we will communicate with email rather than face-to-ace, making it more difficult to know the race of the person with whom we are communicating.Aeeshah Ababio-Clottey, who is African-American from the South, explains how going to meet Kokomon’s family in Ghana challenged her perception of her own racial identity. They explain that race is a social construct that has no real scientific basis and only exists within the cultural implications of a society. To understand that is to gain a better understanding of what it means to be human.

  • S01E03 Tom Gegax

    • Gaia

    Tom Gegax, successful businessman and “head coach” (CEO), believes the real spiritual game is in how we show up for people. To those who would question bringing spirituality into the workplace, Tom deftly replies that you can't bring anything in that isn't already there.Spirituality is already in the workplace, and it is truly a matter of allowing it to come forth from within oneself that brings people into greater connection. A "three-ring" wake-up call that challenged his marriage, health, and business catalyzed his successful personal transformation. Now he is here to share with us a new game plan for winning at the game of life.Chantal Westerman interviews Tom for Innerviews.

  • S01E04 Nick Bunick & Barbara DeAngelis

    • Gaia

    In this split interview Chantal Westerman first interviews Nick Bunick, author of In God's Truth. Nick maintains that in the 4th century the messages of Jesus and Paul began to be distorted – messages of love were changed to messages of fear, messages of compassion were changed to messages of guilt, and messages that were supposed to bring us together in brotherly and sisterly love were also changed into messages that polarized people and created prejudice and bigotry. He gives heartfelt expression to his belief in our need to return to the original spirit of those teachings.Next is Barbara DeAngelis, author of How to Make Love All of the Time, who discusses spirituality, compassion, and relationships today. Barbara talks about “living from the inside out” – coming to the realization that it’s not what’s on the outside (the house, the car) that makes us happy, but what’s inside. She describes how relationships have changed; how women no longer need to seek only stability, but can instead choose growth – and how that can put tremendous pressure on relationships, and how change is natural.

  • S01E05 An Interview with Lynn Andrews

    • Gaia

    Chantal Westerman interviews Lynn Andrews, author of Medicine Woman, a beloved inspirational teacher and mystic. Andrews is uniquely qualified to expound the modern significance of ritual within religion and faith. She shares how to create ceremonies for one’s self as well as how to create your own sacred space. Gain inspiration to clearly identify your own lessons, learn more, and move forward on your true life path! Don't forget that keeping the body healthy can be supported by one's positive thoughts.

  • S01E06 Robert Thurman

    • Gaia

    What is a Buddhist? When we think of Buddhism we think of peace, reservation, and patience. However as Robert Thurman, perhaps the most well respected religious scholar today, says, a Buddhist is whatever a Buddhist wants to be. Being one with your self, community and world is of high importance. Explore what it means to be a Buddhist as Robert explains the three jewels, talks about Nirvana, how Buddhist teachings coexist with other religious teachings, and touches on what it means to be in the now.

  • S01E07 Elena Avila

    • Gaia

    A curandera is a healer who uses healing practices from Spanish, inigenous and African traditions. The curanderismo can sometimes mean a folk healer, but as Elena Avila explains, we heal ourselves by a mix of all medicines. Curanderas heal both physical ailments and emotional diseases, and helps intellectually and psychologically.The curandera uses many different spiritual and medical techniques to work toward the cleaning of one's energy. Avila's book, Woman Who Glows in the Dark, explains the life and healing of a curandera.

  • S01E08 William Turner

    • Gaia

    What you think about, you become. William Turner, founder of the Wisdom Media Group, was not your typical media mogul. He knew this profound truth, personally: you have to hold the vision and ground it through your body-mind, otherwise it never becomes real.William launched a one-of-a-kind media enterprise whose prime component, Wisdom Television, was the only network devoted solely to personal growth, social consciousness and healthier living. He was fond of saying that his personal goal was to bring wisdom into every home on the planet. Every day he looked forward to learning more about spirituality, the mind-body connection and how to share this wisdom with the world.

  • S01E09 Lama Surya Das

    • Gaia

    According to Lama Surya Das, the author of Awakening the Buddha Within, everything is karma; there are no accidents. Karma is something that we make through our actions, through our words and deeds, through our practice and through our inner life. He notes that Buddhist principles are very applicable to daily life today.With or without converting to Buddhism you can practice its principles and gain more spiritual health through relaxing, meditating, praying, or practicing yoga. Lama Surya Das also urges us to awaken to who we really are, in order to find meaning and purpose in our own lives.

  • S01E10 Andrew Harvey

    • Gaia

    Andrew Harvey is a renowned poet, novelist, mystical scholar, seeker and teacher. He sits down with Chantal Westerman and explains his concept of Jesus as explored in his book Son of Man: The Mystical Path to Christ. Jesus was a radical mystic seeker, revolutionary, and feminist. Harvey discusses how we can embrace our inner divinity, like Jesus and Buddha, and co-create a whole new world – a task not for just one individual, but for all of mankind.

  • S01E11 Dr. C. Norman Shealy

    • Gaia

    Dr. C. Norman Shealy has dedicated his life to finding a better solution for pain than typical western medicine and pharmaceuticals. This Interview episode with Chantal Westerman gives us a thorough check-in with Dr. Shealy on new ways of managing pain. He begins with evidence for overcoming migraines and highlights how to change our habits in order to overcome them.

  • S01E12 Gregg Braden

    • Gaia

    For every prediction that there will be destruction, war and famine, there is a chance that there is a parallel possibility. Gregg Braden, an ancient wisdom and planetary change expert, shares his thoughts on the world and parallel outcomes. His understanding of ancient wisdom has led him to seeking out the powerful emotional and spiritual technologies that have been lost. This powerful interview with Chantal Westerman sheds light on the power of the wisdom that we have within all of us.

  • S01E13 Kevin Ryerson

    • Gaia

    Kevin Ryerson, a noted expert, discusses how to enhance your life with the practice of channelling. Explore Eastern and Western views on channeling and how to use it as a bridge to integrate life in the modern world.

  • S01E14 Elizabeth Lesser

    • Gaia

    What are the principles behind the founding of the Omega Institute? You may recognize Elizabeth Lesser as a founder of the Omega Institute, but here is your chance to really hear what she has to say about her personal experience in her career, her family and her spiritual journey. Lesser is a truly wise and nurturing individual and she shares her insights with Chantal Westerman.Elizabeth Lesser discusses her divorce in depth. She encourages anyone to use a dark moment like divorce or a death as an opportunity for spiritual growth. She explains the importance and convergence of both inner-healing and reaching out into the world to heal others. A spiritual being is a happy being; and a happy being desires the happiness of others.

  • S01E15 Cheryl Richardson

    • Gaia

    Rereading her journals over the past ten years of her life, Cheryl Richardson discovered the number one complaint she had was that there wasn't enough time for the things in her life. Opening her private therapy practice, the number one complaint she heard from her clients was that they didn't have enough time for the things in their lives. In Take Time for Your Life, Cheryl invites you to own your own choice to take time for your life.It's so easy to fall victim to the responsibilities of money, family, and work, but there is a huge difference between tough choices and no choice. Giving ourselves a choice about how we live takes back our personal empowerment and we see magical things start to happen in our lives.

  • S01E16 Marianne Williamson: The Loving Heart

    • Gaia

    Renowned spiritual speaker and author Marianne Williamson brilliantly unpacks the struggle to find enlightenment in relationships. How do we define spirituality in our everyday relationships and in our quest for real love?

  • S01E17 Doreen Virtue

    • Gaia

    Waking our abilities to hear the spirits and angels is a gift that we can all tune to. Doreen Virtue speaks about her work with angels and spirits. She gives clues as to how we can work with them as well. She also talks about using angels for life tasks.

  • S01E18 James Twyman

    • Gaia

    Chantal Westerman interviews James Twyman, author of Emissary of Light. James, an internationally renowned, best-selling author, filmmaker and musician, has a reputation for traveling to some of the world's greatest areas of conflict, sharing his message of peace. In this interview he talks about how he uses music to bring positive messages to war torn areas around the world. He shares his experience and views on peace and unity around the world.

  • S01E19 Echo Bodine

    • Gaia

    Soul is the part of us that never dies. In essence a body of energy, it can take many forms, always learning and evolving. Echo Bodine, author of Echoes of the Soul, reveals the architecture and interactions of the soul. The development of her own psychic abilities is astonishing, yet she emphasizes that to skillfully use it takes devotion, time and practice. Take a beautiful walk on the other side with Echo Bodine.

  • S01E20 Dannion Brinkley

    • Gaia

    Why are we afraid of death? Can we become comfortable with the concept of death? Dannion Brinkley, author of At Peace in the Light, discusses how to overcome the fear of death and, therefore, the fear of living. As long as we are living in the shadow of fear of death, our ability to live is hindered.We are all having near-death experiences, because we don't know what life truly is unless we have nearly died. As he puts it, death is only a part of living and you haven't really lived until you can truly appreciate life. Using spirituality and religion as a base, he explains techniques on how to embrace death and life, and help others to learn how to die. He shares many thoughts in this humorous, but powerful talk on life and death.

  • S01E21 Stacey Wolf

    • Gaia

    Stacey Wolf is a nationally recognized psychic and writer for Psychic World magazine. She believes we have psychic experiences every day we just don’t know it. We all have psychic abilities, but they just vary in degree. When you invite psychic energy into your life, it does all sorts of amazing things.When you let the other-worldly energy guide you, you will see results. Receiving, trusting and listening are a big part of making your psychic energy work for you. Wolf believes that what we have in this moment is exactly what we need; we just need to pay attention to it.

  • S01E22 Shakti Gawain

    • Gaia

    This Innerviews features Shakti Gawain, whose philosophy to happiness is that we must balance our lives. Prosperity is talked about and how we can maximize our happiness.

  • S01E23 Gotham Chopra, Noah Levine, and Ocean Robbins

    • Gaia

    Meet the children of the most influential spiritual leaders and meditation practitioners, Gotham Chopra, Noah Levine, and Ocean Robbins, as they shed light on the new generation. Gain a fresh understanding of how youth see and meet the struggles of today and how they create lives that heal and uplift our collective future.How do they balance current challenges while grasping transformative opportunities? Youth must often times re-write the wrongs of the past while opening new doors of perception through courage and practice. What we see through their eyes is a powerful promise of hope, change, and love, on this important episode of Innerviews with Chantal Westerman.