VERY Special guest, philosopher Robert Anton Wilson interviewed by Richard Metzger and Genesis P-Orridge. Conspiracy theory, Neuro Linguistic Programming, guerilla ontology, Aleister Crowley, William Burroughs and more! Part 1 of 2.
Topics include Montauk, time travel, and possible holes in the space-time continuum.
Richard Metzger interviews author and interspecies researcher Tim Wylie. Topics include human-dolphin telepathy and the Process Church of the Final Judgement.
Lawyer/activist Richard Glen Boire (author Marijuana Law and publisher of The Entheogen Law Reporter) explains Uncle Sam's drug laws for all you aspiring neuronauts out there. What's his first (and best) piece of advice for when the "boys in blue" come knocking on your door, or want to look in your bag or glove compartment? Tell 'em "NO!" and send 'em off packing! An interesting and entertaining show featuring tons of great information that might just save your ass, hippie!
The first installment of the Infinity Factory's interview with author, lawyer, and activist Richard Glen Boire focuses on laws surrounding controlled substances
Metzger and Bruce talk in depth about the validity of conspiracy theories surrounding the Montauk Project. Is it possible that, in Montauk, time travel experiments were conducted in an underground base with the intent to murder Jesus Christ?
Howard Bloom discusses how Florida is firmly under the control of Republican Interests and the Christian Right. Bloom's quoting of Pat Robertson is particularly fascinating in this episode.
An in-depth interview with my good friend and lifelong hero, Genesis P-Orridge on the topic of the new book, Wreckers of Civilisation: The Story of Coum Transmissions and Throbbing Gristle.
Richard Metzger is joined by Douglass Rushkoff and co-host Genesis P. Orridge for this Infinity Factory interview of Tim Wylie. Topics include reincarnation, angels, and the telepathy.
Richard Metzger interviews the late Dr. Mario Pazzaglini, the author of Symbolic Messages: An Introduction to a Study of Alien Writing. Dr. Pazzaglini was investigating the possibility of Alien writing by studying hundreds of artifacts and interviewing individuals who claimed to have been contacted by alien intelligences. He presents a very balanced, rational, and informed view about the escalating reports of written communication alleged to have originated from non-human sources. Highly Recommended.