A routine dive into the Geduld has turned into a struggle for survival as an act of sabotage sends the Liebe Delta Astronaut Training Center and everyone inside into certain destruction. Things continue to worsen as the station begins to collapse due to the effects of the Geduld. Someone becomes trapped near the collapsed area as Kouji and Ikumi hurry to rescue the person. However, there are dangerous levels of radiation separating them as Yuki, Kouji's younger brother, stops them and turn them back in an unfriendly manner.
2225년 파일럿 양성소 리베 델타가 습격을 당해 게둘트 바다에 돌입하게 된다. 리베 델타가 파괴되어 모두의 목숨이 위협받고 있던 그때, 리베 델타 내부에 숨겨져 있던 리바이어스가 기동하고 모두 그 안으로 대피한다.