Because of the emotional scars she received from her parents as a kid, Ji Young is an individualist who chooses not to care about anyone other than herself. Her life motto is to neither give nor receive help from other people. That's up until a neighbor named Byuk Soo appears, who is the polar opposite of her. Byuk Soo is affection-deprived and unable to live without other people. He is a social butterfly with many connections, but still has no one to truly console him in times of need. Byuk Soo meddles in Ji Young's life with trivial requests, which Ji Young finds pathetic and troublesome. But she begins to open up to him when he tries to get closer, and they share their struggles while trying to make up for each other's shortcomings.
- Individualist Ji-young
- Individualist Ms. Ji-Young
Ji Young è una ragazza introversa che non ha particolari relazioni con le persone. Byeok-Soo, invece, è il tipo di ragazzo che ama relazionarsi con le persone, molto socievole e disponibile. Ji-Young e Byeok-Soo si ritrovano essere due vicini di casa e si incontrano per caso, come sarà la relazione tra due persone completamente diverse?
타인과의 관계를 끊고 완벽한 개인주의자로 살던 여자가타인과의 관계없이 못 사는 의존적인 남자를 만나서로를 치유하고 기울어진 삶을 바로잡게 되는 코믹 로맨스 심리극.
불행해지지 않기 위해, 상처받지 않기 위해
스스로 행복해질 기회마저 차단해버린 요즘 세대를 위한 힐링 로맨스!
因為小時候的心理創傷, 徹底斷絕與其他人連繫的極端個人主義者智英,總是刻意把自己武裝成冷冰冰的, 看似對什麼都漠不關心又無感, 裝久了也成真性格了。 智英隔壁住的卻是完全沒有辦法不依靠別人而活的依靠主義者男壁洙。個性極度兩端的兩人相遇, 互相治癒、成長,找回正確生活的搞笑浪漫故事。