Inazuma Japan are shocked as they witness such offensive power from a defensive team. Tachimukai tries to catch
Iron Wall blocked Bakunetsu Screwthe next Hellfire with an incomplete Maou The Hand, but it failed. Tachimukai panics as Leone approaches the goal, but thanks to Tobitaka 's encouragement, he pulls off a perfect Maou The Hand. The Empire then uses the Hissatsu tactics, The Andes' Antlion Death Trap, making it very difficult to score as Japan is leaded to where Teres is all the time. Will they be able to get through this situation?
Inazuma Japon perd 1-2 contre l'équipe argentine. Darren Lachance apprend sa nouvelle super-technique la main du collosse
Inazuma Japón se sorprende al presenciar tal poder ofensivo de un equipo defensivo. Tachimukai intenta atrapar a Iron Wall bloqueó a Bakunetsu Atornille el próximo Fuego Infernal con un Maou The Hand incompleto, pero falló. Tachimukai entra en pánico cuando Leone se acerca a la meta, pero gracias al aliento de Tobitaka, logra un Maou The Hand perfecto.