Paul answers the door at his new Brooklyn apartment to find Alex Sr., the father of the patient who died during a flight exercise last year, serving him with a law suit — he blames Paul for his son's death. When Paul shows up to discuss the case with his lawyer, he's surprised to discover Mia, a patient of his from 20 years ago
Eronnut ja Brooklyniin muuttanut Paul haastetaan oikeuteen Alex Princen kuolemaan johtaneesta hoitovirheestä, ja juttua hoitava asianajaja osoittautuu hänen entiseksi naispotilaakseen.
Paul fait appel à un avocat, car le père d'un patient décédé le poursuit en justice. Il retrouve une ancienne patiente.
Paul è stupito di veder tornare un suo vecchio cliente dopo aver ricevuto un mandato di comparizione.
El doctor Paul Weston, ahora divorciado, se ha mudado a Brooklyn donde atiende a sus pacientes en el pequeño salón de su nueva casa. Conocemos a Mia, una abogada y ex paciente de Paul, que le lleva una demanda por negligencia de parte del padre de Alex.