Jamie Crawford heads to the Namib desert to see how animals including the sidewinder snake, bat-eared fox and cartwheeling spider survive in a desolate, dry environment.
in Borneo, Jamie heads to a swamp to see how animals survive and adapt to a flooded environment; a search for orangutans; leeches.
A rock-tailed wallaby, a death adder, a kangaroo and a black-breasted buzzard are among the animals Jamie searches for in Australia.
Animals in Peru's Amazon basin include the fer de lance snake, termites, giant anteaters, caiman lizards, anacondas and electric eels.
Jamie travels to the coast of South Africa to see how animals have survived.
The wildebeest migration in the Savannah of Tanzania; fire ants, vultures and a spitting cobra.
Adaptations animals in Florida's Everglades have made to survive.
Jamie studies how Alaska's wildlife has adapted; snowshoe hares, bald eagles.
Lemurs, panther chameleons, hissing cockroaches, tomato frogs and ant lions are some of the wildlife found in Madagascar.
Animals, including the pine marten, beavers and eagles, that can survive in the barren landscape of Scotland’s Highlands.
The wildlife of Croatia includes brown bears, Griffon vultures, lizards and karst vipers.