Description: After their long trek through Cusco, the examination of anomalous mummified bodies, recovered from undisclosed locations, begins. Get firsthand accounts from the investigative team as they examine small humanoid figures and long fingered hands which do not appear to be human in origin.
The investigation continues as the scientific team makes a physical examination of two of the smaller bodies before conducting detailed analyses of x-ray images. They identify phenotypical characteristics that these bodies have in common with known reptile species, suggesting these bodies are reptilian in nature.
From Cusco to Nazca the investigation continues with the revelation of a much larger body with three fingers and toes on each appendage. Experts examine the tridactyl hands and confirm that they have not been altered. Plus we get an identification of the dust which covers the mummies.
The mystery of the Nazca mummies deepens with the discovery of two new bodies. One has similar features to the larger body recovered, but appears to be a baby. Plus, we get a detailed look at another smaller body, which may be of a different species.[NOTE TO VIEWERS: This video is in Spanish. If you wish to activate English subtitles, click the icon on the bottom right side of the player and select English.]
After examining the bodies and analyzing the X-rays and CAT scans, the experts give their final conclusions. With new discoveries being made in India, China, Turkey and Peru we may be getting confirmation that civilization is much older than 10,000 years. Is there a connection with these new findings and the mummies of Nazca?[NOTE TO VIEWERS: This video is in Spanish. If you wish to activate English subtitles, click the icon on the bottom right side of the player and select English.]
Jaime Maussan returns to Peru to try to talk with the Minister of Culture, just to find that they are not interested in what may be the most important finding in the archeological History of Peru. Plus, 3D animators have worked to reconstruct the bodies of the mummies in a virtual environment and we see how these beings would have moved.[NOTE TO VIEWERS: This video is in Spanish. If you wish to activate English subtitles, click the icon on the bottom right side of the player and select English.]
[NOTE TO VIEWERS: This video is in Spanish. If you wish to activate English subtitles, click the icon on the bottom right side of the player and select English.]New information comes forward from the team investigating the bodies, bringing us closer to understanding what they really are. We join Jaime Maussan and the investigative team as they examine three new bodies, called The Family. An expert in Mexico has rendered 3D animations of these bodies so that we can better understand how they originally looked and moved. Meanwhile, the team continues to investigate Maria with X-rays, CAT Scans, and 3D printing. Plus, preliminary results from DNA analyses have come in with some very surprising findings concerning the genetic makeup, in comparison to known species on Earth.