Home / Series / If... / Aired Order / Season 2 / Episode 3

If... Drugs Were Legal

It is 2015. If... Drugs Were Legal In the film, an ex-drugs policeman investigates two girls' deaths The government, persuaded by the vast economic cost of prohibition, has decided to legalise drugs. The UK, along with a coalition of progressive countries from Europe, Canada and Australia, has opted out of the UN treaties which control drugs. Much of the trade from possession to use, and production to supply, has been legalised. The drama opens with the collapse and subsequent deaths of two girls in a club which is licensed to sell drugs. In the scenario, most drugs are readily available, with government health warnings and lists of ingredients, from various outlets. Drugs of addiction, like heroin, are free but only available on prescription from Swiss-styled heroin clinics. Cocaine is still illegal. The whole trade is regulated by a new agency, called Ofdrug. The film follows the investigation into the two girls' deaths by an Ofdrug agent who works closely with an ex-drugs policeman. Experts such as former chief constable Francis Wilkinson argued the case for pro-legalisation, while David Raynes of the National Drug Prevention Alliance was one of the voices arguing against.

  • Originally Aired January 12, 2005
  • Runtime 1 minutes
  • Network BBC Two
  • Created September 25, 2012 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified September 25, 2012 by
    Administrator admin
Name Type Role
Nick Copus Writer
J.C. Wilsher Writer
Bronwen Davies Guest Star
Juliet Ellis Guest Star
Nila Aalia Guest Star
Nick Copus Director