First, in Spokane, Wash., Mary Moltke updated her Queen Anne Gingerbread house and in the process stumbled across a safe, a stash of old booze bottles and sordid stories of mischievous mayhem. Next, Ruth and Dan McLaughlin's 1891 Victorian in Greenville, Maine, carries the story of Lyman Blair, a city boy who made his mark on the rural area in the early 1900s. Then, when Andy Meadows renovated his Montgomery, Ala., bungalow, he found ledgers, vintage signs and the history of a homeowner with hobbies much like his. Finally, in Elgin, Ill., Laura and Steve Stroud knew they had a piece of the past when they bought their 1887 Victorian. What they didn't know was that the history was tied to a teetotaling business man who made his money through whiskey.