Ida moves away from home to study psychology at the University of Oslo. She is worried about most things in life, but her greatest fear is that an act of terror will take place. And when she meets Aksel, a lone wolf who is repeating high-school classes to get in to the university, and spends his time on dark incels (involuntary celibates) forums on the internet, a thought starts to arise in Ida that Aksel is a potential school shooter. Ida attempts to keep the terror related thoughts away, but the more she learns about Aksel, the greater the fear gets. Gradually she realizes that she needs to do something drastic to stop her escalating fear, but how far is she willing to go to save Aksel?
Ida moves away from home to study psychology at the University of Oslo. She is worried about most things in life, but her greatest fear is that an act of terror will take place. And when she meets Aksel, a lone wolf who is repeating high-school classes to get in to the university, and spends his time on dark incels (involuntary celibates) forums on the internet, a thought starts to arise in Ida that Aksel is a potential school shooter. Ida attempts to keep the terror related thoughts away, but the more she learns about Aksel, the greater the fear gets. Gradually she realizes that she needs to do something drastic to stop her escalating fear, but how far is she willing to go to save Aksel?
Ida studerar vid universitetet i Oslo där hon ständigt oroar sig för eventuella terrorattacker. När hon träffar ensamvargen Aksel, misstänker hon att han planerar en skolskjutning. Nu måste Ida ta ansvar.
Ida ist gerade nach Oslo gezogen, um Psychologie zu studieren. Aber Ida hat vor fast allem Angst: An der falschen Haltestelle aus dem Bus steigen, fehlendes Klopapier auf öffentlichen Toiletten, Klimawandel und Dritter Weltkrieg. Doch ihre größte Angst gilt dem Terror. Als sie den Einzelgänger Aksel kennenlernt, befürchtet sie, dass er einen Amoklauf plant. Nun muss Ida Verantwortung übernehmen.
Ida studeert aan de universiteit van Oslo en ze maakt zich voortdurend zorgen over terreuraanslagen. Als ze Aksel ontmoet, ontdekt ze dat hij een schietpartij beraamt. Ida moet de leiding nemen.
Ida opiskelee Oslon yliopistolla, missä hän on koko ajan huolissaan potentiaalisesta terrori-iskusta. Kun hän tapaa yksinäisen Akselin, hän tajuaa tämän suunnittelevan kouluampumista.