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Season 1

  • SPECIAL 0x1 Arlo The Alligator Boy

    • April 16, 2021
    • Netflix

    Upon learning that he is from New York City, a wide-eyed boy, who is half human and half alligator, decides to leave his sheltered life in the swamp and search for his long lost father.

  • S01E01 Friendship Couch

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Living by himself may be more than lonely Arlo can handle — not to mention his neighbor Bertie, who could really use some time for herself.

  • S01E02 A Memory of Pizza

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    The mayor of New York City is coming to Seaside by the Seashore! Now it's up to Arlo and friends to make sure their new hometown doesn't get shut down.

  • S01E03 Be the Turtle

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Arlo gives Alia an important job. But the others aren't convinced that the easily distracted tiger can find her focus.

  • S01E04 The Shedding

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    After Arlo sheds his skin, his friends mistake it for a ghost — and the embarrassed alligator boy tries to hide the truth from them.

  • S01E05 Community Garden

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Bertie finds a quiet place to be by herself... until Arlo spreads the word and it becomes a community garden.

  • S01E06 Blow Out

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Feeling burned out from too much business, Furlecia asks Arlo to step into a new role as an assistant at the salon.

  • S01E07 In the Blue with You

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Arlo is feeling down when his dad doesn't seem excited to spend time together on their father-son fishing trip.

  • S01E08 Jeromio, Jeromio

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    When Jeromio runs off to the city, Arlo searches for a way to help his friend feel at home while he's away from the swamp.

  • S01E09 Make a Fish

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    After secretly granting Bertie's wish at a coin fountain, Marcellus sees the sudden influx of wish-makers as a business opportunity.

  • S01E10 Frogday the 13th

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    A vacation-bound Arlo asks Bertie to look after Jeromio, a chore that's far more challenging than Bertie expected.

  • S01E11 Swamp Itch

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    After Arlo comes down with a bad case of swamp itch, Ansel decides to nurse his son back to health.

  • S01E12 Moody Tuesday

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    When her ice cream cone falls to the ground, Bertie's good mood quickly turns sour — enough to infect her normally happy friends.

  • S01E13 Lily Lost and Found

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    A part-human, part-lobster named Lily who has a habit of taking things that aren't hers moves to town. Can Arlo help her change her ways?

  • S01E14 Stay Cool

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    As a heatwave hits Seaside by the Seashore, Arlo's friends convince him to take his dad's yacht out for a refreshing ride.

  • S01E15 Tony Baloney

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Worried his visiting parents will be disappointed that he isn’t a criminal, Tony gets the gang to go along with a lie designed to impress them.

  • S01E16 Get Lost

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Bertie searches for the inspiration she needs to finish a song for Seaside by the Seashore's upcoming un-condemning party.

  • S01E17 Goin' it Arlone

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    With everyone working hard to get Seaside by the Seashore looking spiffy, Arlo elects to go the extra mile and fix up the old Ferris Wheel.

  • S01E18 Alro

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Arlo and Bertie investigate the case of the missing package, not knowing that a much larger mystery is about to command their attention.

  • S01E19 The Uncondemning

    • August 27, 2021
    • Netflix

    Desperate to rescue Edmee, Arlo and his friends travel to the swamp, where they must battle a formidable foe known as the Bog Lady.