Der Schah von Pakuait ist ein Öllieferant der USA. Deshalb soll seine Tochter, Prinzessin Tarji, ihren Besuch in den Staaten genießen. Um dies zu gewährleisten, wird ihr Tony als Begleiter zur Seite gestellt. Da teilt ihm Jeannie mit, dass sie Prinzessin Tarji töten muss, denn deren Familie hatte ihre Familie vor 3000 Jahren schwer beleidigt. Das wäre ja nun schon Problem genug für Tony, aber es kommt noch schlimmer: Prinzessin Tarji verliebt sich in ihn – und Jeannie sieht rot.
When its discovered a princess is coming to Cocoa Beach to visit NASA, Tony is chosen to escort her for 3 days. At the same time, Jeannie sees a picture of her and realizes that she is from a royal family that once cheated her family 3000 years past and Jeannie has taken an oath to kill her. Tony; trying to save the princess from harm; sends Jeannie on a quest (that will ultimately take her 3 days to complete)to get him various things that take even a genie quite a bit of time to accomplish. This plan unfortunately does not work and Jeannie shows up ahead of schedule and meets with the princess. In the end, things work out good because Jeannie and the princess have agreed the feud was childish and thus they dropped the whole thing.
La Nasa riceve la visita di una principessa e Tony viene scelto come suo accompagnatore per tre giorni. Jeannie però è convinta che la donna sia una sua vecchia conoscenza.
Tony foi designado para escoltar a princesa Tarji, que está em visita à Praia dos Cocos, pois os EUA estão ansiosos para fechar um negócio de petróleo com o pai dela. Jeannie diz que ela tem que matar Tarji devido a uma briga entre suas famílias que ocorreu há 3000 anos.
Cuando Tony tiene que escoltar a una princesa más, Jeannie anuncia que, debido a una disputa familiar que tiene que matarla. Para guardar el Tony princesa Jeannie envía por todo el mundo con tareas tan enormes que se perderá los tres días de su visita.