Die Regierung sendet Tony nach Rom. Dass sie nicht mitreisen kann, gefällt Jeannie gar nicht. Sie versucht, Roger auf ihre Seite zu ziehen, um Tony die Reise auszureden. Doch Roger ist froh über Tonys Pläne, hofft er doch auf diese Weise, Jeannies Zauberkräfte für sich nutzen zu können. Doch dann macht ihm NASA-Psychiater Dr. Bellows einen Strich durch die Rechnung: Er schickt ihn mit Tony auf die Reise. Währenddessen sucht Jeannie nach Wegen, unbemerkt mitreisen zu können.
Tony has to go on a three-week trip to Rome (which involves an ocean cruise to Europe) for business. Jeannie begs her master to let her come along, but Tony knows she'll only be in the way and orders her to stay home. Jeannie (certain that not only will danger befall Tony, but he'll meet and marry a beautiful woman he meets on the cruise) tries every trick to change Tony's plans. When the captain catches on (rather quickly, mind you), he decides to let her come along ... under the following condition: That she can come in her human form only if she can legally obtain a passport without using her magic. Of course, she can't get the needed passport, but doesn't find this out until she nearly gets another woman in serious trouble.
Tony accetta di portare con sé Jeannie in crociera, a patto che lei riesca a trovare un passaporto, senza usare i poteri magici però!
Tony vai fazer uma viagem de navio para a Itália, e Jeannie insiste em ir junto para protegê-lo. Roger já começa a pensar o que fará com os poderes de Jeannie. O Dr. Bellows, depois de ver as promessas que Roger está fazendo para os amigos, diz que ele é megalomaníaco e deve viajar com Tony para descansar.
Tony dice que Jeannie puede venir a Europa con él si ella viaja como una mujer normal y se puede obtener un pasaporte.