Auf Neteros Luftschiff versucht der hinterlistige Tonpa Kurapika und Leorio davon abzuhalten, sich von den Strapazen der letzten Prüfungen zu erholen, während zwischen Gon, Killua und dem Vorsitzenden Netero höchstpersönlich ein Wettstreit entbrennt.
All the candidates are told by Beans, Neteros' secretary to get their dinner and rest and prepare for the third phase the next morning. Tonpa tries to commit sabotage again by trying to keep Kurapika and Leorio awake for the whole night, but is exasperated to find that none of them fall for his tricks. Gon and Killua explore the airship, and Killua tells Gon that he is actually from a family of assassins. He wished to strike out on his own, which his family has not taken lightly. Neteros arrives and tests both boys' instinct and asks how they felt about the difficulty of the exam. Neteros invites both of them to a game, whoever can grab the ball he is holding before dawn will immediately pass the exam. Gon and Killua find it too hard to pass up, but discovers that with Neteros' skills, they are unable to grab the ball. Eventually Killua realizes that with their skills, they will never be able to take the ball from Neteros for a year, if he keeps it up. Killua retires, but then takes it out on two candidates who harass him, by maiming and killing them. Gon continues trying to grab the ball, and uses a headbutt on Neteros. The old man realizes that Gon will crack his skull if he continues with his headbutt, so he uses his right hand to push Gon away from him. Gon then tells Neteros then he has managed to get him to use his right hand once, which he had not used from the start of the challenge. After his speech, Gon falls asleep from exhaustion.
En route pour la troisième phase de l'examen, Gon et Kirua sont invités à participer à un jeu très simple qui pourrait leur conférer le titre de Hunter.
A bordo del dirigibile che li porterà alla terza fase dell'esame, Gon e Killua sono invitati a partecipare a un gioco molto semplice che potrebbe farli diventare Hunter.
Depois de Gon e seus amigos passarem com êxito na segunda fase do exame, eles embarcam em um dirigível que os levará para o local da terceira fase. Gon e Killua estão explorando a aeronave quando se deparam com Netero, que propõe um jogo muito simples. Tudo que eles tem que fazer é retirar uma bola de Netero, se conseguirem se tornam Hunters sem precisarem concluir o exame.
Una vez finalizada la segunda fase del examen, los aspirantes suben a una aeronave que los transportará a la siguiente fase. Durante el viaje, Gon y Killua se encuentran con el Presidente Netero, quien les propone un pequeño juego...
Depois do Gon e os seus amigos passarem com sucesso pela segunda fase da prova, entraram então numa aeronave que os levará até a terceira fase. Dentro dela, Gon e Killua exploram o lugar e acabam cruzando pelo Netero que os propõe um jogo simples. Tudo o que eles precisam fazer é tomar a bola dele e assim se tornarão caçadores.
2차 시험을 무사히 마친 곤, 키르아, 크라피카, 레오리오는 비행선을 타고 3차 시험장을 향해 간다. 시험으로 피곤에 지친 크라피카와 레오리오는 쉬기로 하고 곤과 키르아는 비행선 안을 구경하기로 한다. 그런데 두 사람 앞에 네테로 회장이 나타나 게임을 제안한다.