The first ever episode of Hungry Beast. WATCH IT AGAIN, hurrah!
The new advertising campaign from the Coal Industry; The Banks latest strategy for liberating your money; The medical benefits of wearing ridiculously wide pants; An interview with the family of Private Benjamin Ranaudo who was killed in Afghanistan; Overdosing on Beatles nostalgia; The new street crime of “Chalking” that is spreading amongst kids; How sugary junk food is marketed to children as fruit; How people feel about “Aussie Pride”; Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s mother speaks out; And our regular segments: Things We Think Might Be Bullshit; Stuff Said This Week; The Other News; and Follow The Money.
Living in a post race world, fake lesbians, DIY funerals, and is Australia racist?
Windows 7 launch party, Robot Wars and 8-bit immigration.
Carrier pigeons vs Internet, James Hardie, Robot Wars and more.
Jesus, body image, Satan and the final Robot Wars.
Weather, paedophilia, garbage, robots and big mouths!
What do Copenhagen, vampires, fake bums and the Loch Ness Monster have in common? Well not much, but they're all in this episode.
Find out why men should get the cervical cancer vaccine, some more fake stuff - for real, and personal insights into the refugee experience in Australia.
Catch the first episode of HUNGRY BEAST for 2010!
Gay conversion, Victoria Dynamite on a crisis in Africa, and some not so clever men in uniform.
Exclusive look at Avatar 2, we do the search on Google and we get the low down, down low in Labiaplasty.
Hungry Beast buys into de-branding, plays with Chat Roulette and looks into your potential future health with a story on DNA testing.
Meet two people who are intersex, find out why corporations are on the nose: using smell to sell and Victoria Dynamite attempts to solve our rising sea level problems.
In Episode 17 of HUNGRY BEAST cane toads are coming, and they're coming for you! We also look at plans to make lesser-known Marvel comic book super heroes into movies, and Jessicah Mendes sits down with some of Australia's most feared bikie groups.
Drugs, lies and autobiographies. A mixed bag that might make you go hmmmmm.
Adelaide's 'Gang of 49' that never was, TV as contraception and the new promotional video for Canberra.
Look at what problems a line on a map can have, Victoria Dynamite investigates the perils of office sledging, and catch a sneak peak at the HUNGRY BEAST Stage Extravaganza.
In the first episode of Series 3 of Hungry Beast we've gone all themed. Tonight it's SECRETS.
Episode 22 of Hungry Beast is themed around Captivity: from the woman trapped in her own body, who can only communicate by blinking; to liberating copyright from its confines; to the man holding his entire nation captive.
Episode 23 of Hungry Beast is Faking It: from counterfeit medicines to bogus qualifications to ethnic cosmetic surgery and places that aren't quite what they seem.
Episode 24 of Hungry Beast looks at Waste: the alleged waste of Federal Government cash; the dirtiest of dirty jobs; Faeconomics; the life cycle of a plastic bottle; the food we don't eat; and rubbish thrown out by the stars.
Episode 25 of Hungry Beast is on Download: its likely demise at the hands of streaming; i-Dosing, the legal audio high?; online matchmaking; human downloading; internet anonymity; and Aussie kids' take on living a digital life.
Episode 26 of Hungry Beast is Perfection: the perfect soldier, animal and measurement. Plus the imperfect veggie, the animated characters that are just too lifelike and what happens when getting it perfect takes over your life?
Episode 27 of Hungry Beast is on Wealth: the future of money; Australia's richest person; Hip Hop Finance from Ross Greenwood and the Death of a Very Rich Man.
Episode 28 of Hungry Beast is on Power: of Climate Science, retail spaces, and the Force - plus much more.
Episode 29 of Hungry Beast is themed around Upload: the net's neutrality, its carbon footprint, online Jihad and what you have prayed for.
Episode 30 of Hungry Beast is on Play: the dictators we hang around with; news as games; the hackers helping humankind; and real world board games.
Episode 31 of Hungry Beast is on Speed: the exponential growth of computer intelligence; Australia's fastest sprint cyclist; Fast Fashion; and the island under threat from fast rising sea levels.
Episode 32 is the last of Series 3 of Hungry Beast. We go out on the theme of Death: killing the internet; the human cost of commodities trading; Stuxnet, the first computer virus designed to be a weapon; PTSD in the police; and what happens when humans take their final bow.
Nineteen newcomers to TV were selected from across Australia to create a new, topical TV show from the ground up. They were locked in a room with a blank whiteboard, plentiful snacks and asked to “tell us something we don’t know”. The result was Hungry Beast, one of the most innovative shows in years - a unique mixture of comedy, serious journalism and something weirdly in-between. Hungry Beast: the world remixed. The Hungry Beasts are: Patrick Clair, Kirk Docker, Kirsten Drysdale, Marc Fennell, Luke Harris, Nicholas Hayden, Lewis Hobba, Dan Ilic, Chris Leben, Elmo Keep, Daniel Keogh, Nick McDougall, Jessicah Mendes, Veronica Milsom, Scott Mitchell, Kieran Ricketts, Ali Russell, Monique Schafter and Aaron Smith.