Logan and Brown take the ferry across the Cook Strait to the magical Marlborough Sounds. Logie has never been diving for scallops and he's so keen not to miss out that he even delegates the wine selection to Brownie. Meeting up with Takutai and Pete Beech on their 74-year-old wooden launch, the Tutanekai, Logie heads for East Bay at the far end of Queen Charlotte Sound, where brothers Nev and Trev Tahuaroa have access to some prime scallop territory. On the way they stop for some fresh green-lipped mussels and Takutai makes fresh Paraoa, or Maori bread, to wrap around them. Meanwhile Brownie visits Seresin Vineyard where the vines are grown organically. Estate manager Colin Ross gives Brownie the run down on biodynamic fundamentals before helping him choose a wine to go with the scallops. Brownie then heads to Thymebank for coriander and chillies to spice up his corn and capsicum salsa. With ingredients in hand he thumbs a ride as far as Arapawa Island. Here he meets Betty Rowe who has been providing sanctuary to goats that are believed to be descendants of those first released by Captain Cook. While Logie motors further up Queen Charlotte Sound there's time to stop off at Pete's favourite spot, Motuara Island. Regenerating under the care of the Department of Conservation, the island is once again a sanctuary for birds. Finally it's off to East Bay to meet the tangata whenua, Nev and Trev Tahuaroa. Their great-great grandfather came down from Taranaki in the mid 1820s, crossing Cook Strait in their waka, Paroa. Brownie is very excited to have made it to the Bay in time to collect the scallops for their dish. Kitted out in wetsuits and snorkels the boys flounder around in the shallow waters while Trev goes out further with a diving tank to collect a good bagful. Brownie makes a summer salsa of corn and roasted capsicum, while Logie gives Trev a hand to open the succulent scallops. Then Brownie sears the scallops in the pan and serves them with the S
Name | Type | Role | |
Peter Young | Director |