A Tisza partján élt egy halász kettecskén a feleségével, de szomorúak voltak, mert nem volt gyermekük. Egyszer az öreg, amint éjszaka halászott a Tiszán, a víz egy kis koporsót hozott, benne egy csecsemővel. Nagyon megörvendett, hazavitte és boldogan felnevelték. Együtt nő fel Jancsival a csikó is, amit a tanító tanácsára visznek haza. Ez a csikó nem egy akármilyen csikó volt, hanem táltos, akinek a segítségével Jancsinak sikerül megmenteni a húgocskáját, aki a szomszéd ország sötét...
On the bank of the Tisza River lived a fisherman together with his wife, but they were sad, as they didn't have a child. One time the old man, as he was fishing at night on the Tisza River, the water brought a little coffin, with a baby inside it. He was very joyous, he took him home, and they happily brought him up. The colt also was brought up together with Johnny, which they took home on advice from the teacher. This colt was not a colt of any kind, but rather a magic horse, with the help of which Johnny manages to save his little daughter, who is kept by a cruel witch locked in a dark cave in the neighboring country.