Egyszer egy szegény özvegyasszony megbetegszik, és meghal – de semmit nem tud a lányára hagyni. A lány elmegy hazulról kéregetni, de hiába, senki nem ad neki semmit, inkább dolgozni küldik. Igen ám, de a lány nagyon rest volt – inkább megpróbál a ravaszságával boldogulni. A királyt is becsapja, aki éppen a kastélyát árulja annak, aki cseppet sem alkuszik. Így jut be a kastélyba, aminek ahány nap, annyi ablaka van, ahány hét, annyi ajtaja van, s ahány hónap, annyi szobája van.
Once upon a time a poor widower gets ill and dies – but she cannot leave anything to her daughter. The daughter leaves home to beg, but for no good, nobody gives her anything, they rather send her to work. However, the girl was very lazy – she rather tried to get ahead with her shrewdness. She also tricks the king, who sells his castle to the person who does not bargain a bit. This is how she gets into the castle, which has as many windows as there are days, and it has as many doors as there are weeks, and as many rooms, as there are months. At night she lets in a mysterious big black cat – which she bribes to herself and finds out her secret – as with this cat curious things happen every night.