특유의 무한긍정 하이텐션으로 예능계까지 섭렵한 이달의 소녀 '츄' 마냥 귀엽고 사랑스러운 '츄' 일상에서는 결단력 강한 꼰대력 풀풀? 어수룩하지만 자신보다 어린 멤버들을 생각하는 책임감 있는 언니. 그리고 그런 '츄'가 흘리는 눈물의 의미는?
'Chuu' is as cute and lovely as Girl of the Month 'Chuu', who has entered the entertainment world with her unique infinite positive high-energy. In her daily life, is she full of determination and old-fashioned power? Although she is a bit clumsy, she is a responsible older sister who cares about the members younger than her. And what is the meaning of the tears that ‘Chuu’ sheds?