All Seasons

Season 1

  • S01E01 Episode 1

    • May 7, 2010
    • BBC Two

    Anglican priest Peter Owen Jones goes back to a basic way of life, abandoning the frenzy of spending and working in the hope of deepening his connection to nature and his parishioners. Over eight months he turns his back on consumerism and enters a period of `voluntary poverty', renewing his skills as a gardener, chicken-keeper, woodcutter and dishwasher.

  • S01E02 Episode 2

    • May 12, 2010
    • BBC Two

    Peter Owen Jones continues his search to find the answer to a more simple and meaningful life. He meets a Franciscan friar in Canterbury who shows him where he has gone wrong. Peter has become too self-sufficient and will only find the answer to a simple life if he leaves the comfort of his parishes and throws himself at the mercy of complete strangers, just as St Francis did. Peter sets off on a two-week road trip with little more than the clothes he is wearing, begging for food and accommodation as he goes.

  • S01E03 Episode 3

    • May 22, 2010
    • BBC Two

    The run-up to Christmas increases the pressure on Peter Owen Jones as he faces mounting bills, including renewing his car insurance and MoT, which force him to rely even more on the generosity of his parishioners and the people he meets while travelling around southern England. As the festive season approaches, he finds a new way of giving back to the community and assesses his mission to live a more meaningful life. Last in the series.