Home / Series / How To Drink / Aired Order / Season 2018 / Episode 31

Spiked Cider

On this episode of How to Drink, nothing warms me up on the holidays like a Hot Spiked Apple Cider! Try this favorite drink of mine this Thanksgiving! Your Thanksgiving dinner, or really any holiday party, will be greatly improved by this delicious Spiked Apple Cider. There's nothing complicated about this of course, and you could make this in any number of ways, but this recipe is by far my favorite method of preparing this warming holiday beverage. I dare say it is perfect. Would an Applejack or Calvados work here? Certainly, but for my money Bourbon is the order of the day, and a better bourbon at that. It will pay dividends. This drink is very easy to scale up to a large punch bowl size, simply keep the cider hot with a bottle of bourbon nearby so that guests can spike their own drinks as they serve, otherwise alcohol will be lost to the simmering. I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving and that this spiked cider brings warmth to your table. If you have your own recipe, I'd love to hear about it in the comments!

  • Originally Aired November 16, 2018
  • Runtime 5 minutes
  • Network YouTube
  • Created October 14, 2019 by
    Administrator admin
  • Modified October 14, 2019 by
    Administrator admin