It may look like an off-the-lot stock car, but the rally car is rebuilt from the ground up, inside out to make a nearly indestructible race car. A major city newspaper needs to get a million copies out the door by morning. It depends on a low cost, high speed, high volume printing to make its deadlines. The Web offset printer delivers 80 pages a second, 500 folded newspapers a minute — all without a smear. Ships depend on canals and lift locks to get them between navigable waterways. This one is an elevator that lifts a dozen boats at a time without using any electricity or fuel — just a hydraulic system that run on river water. At a century old, it's an original green machine. If you ever wonder what makes a mechanical clock 'tick', take a cue from a giant. This 11-story German clock tower in Munich is a bit like your grandfather clock at home — gears, pendulum and a clock face. Only bigger.