조찬모임에 온 3사 대표들
미리 뽑아보는 3사 희망 멤버?!
비켜! 다 우리 거야!????
한치의 양보 없는 치열한 영입 전쟁????
WSG 워너비의 1차 후보곡 청음 시작!
너무 좋아서 입이 쩍!
그것도 모자라 춤까지?????
당장 결제 하고 싶은 후보곡의 정체는?
Now that all twelve members of WSG Wannabe have been selected, the agencies gather to discuss how members will be divided into each agency. They seem cooperative in the beginning, but they intend to bring every member they want at all costs. Later on, candidate songs for WSG Wannabe are introduced, and the representatives of each agency can’t seem to hide how satisfied they are.