토요태 선곡 날 드러난 E와 I의 취향 차이. MBTI는 운명일까? 그래서 준비한 MBTI 특집! I스러운 재석, 미주 남매와 E스러운 준하, 하하, 미나. 그리고 의뭉스러운 5인의 참가자! 끝없는 MBTI 추측과 MBTI에 킹 받은(?) 어른 둘. E vs I의 대결!
The difference in MBTI results has always been an issue among the members. In this MBTI Special, the members and guests gather around to share and compare their experiences as introverts or extroverts. First, it seemed like they were well aware of their personalities. However, the more they try to understand themselves, the more confused they become.