계속되는 사자성어 & 스피드 퀴즈!
모교의 명예를 걸고 더욱 치열해진 두뇌전쟁!
첫 장원의 주인공은?????????
풍악을 울려라~????
한가위 맞이 노비 대잔치!
최고로 잘 노는 노비를 가려라..★
9월 11일 토요일 오후 6시 25분 大공개!
The winners of the Speed Quiz will get to donate the prize money to their alma maters, and the competition continues. After the quiz ended with an unexpected winner, the members then become servants with Jae Seok as their captain. They are ordered to put on a show by their lord to celebrate the upcoming holidays, and for some reason, Jun Ha turns into a woman, Ms. Head.