Miss Yellow – a name familiar to many in the DJ world. She is one of the few female DJs in Hong Kong, and the first who moved from being an artiste to becoming a DJ.
Miss Yellow who uses the stage name WONG Yat-tung, was born WONG Po-yan. Approximately 17 years ago, she dabbled in the showbiz through a beauty pageant in the hope of becoming famous and making some quick money, so that she could leave the home she hated. However, during the years of drudgery in the TV station, she had always been assigned similar roles such as sultry lady or mistress. Her sluggish career then made her wondered about the road ahead.
She then met her DJ mentor Ryan by serendipity, and made an attempt to learn DJing. As Miss Yellow has been in love with music since her childhood, plus her natural talents and efforts, combined with her own reputation, she managed to stand on her feet within a year in synergy with right timing and conditions. She was then catapulted to fame in no time and she has even engaged in the music industry as a singer in recent years.
The transition into the DJ business has pulled Miss Yellow out of rock bottom and allowed her to resume her life goals. On the other hand, religion has also transformed her thoughts and attitudes, and turned the old “gloomy and megalomaniac” WONG Yat-tung into the present “positive, optimistic and friendly” Miss Yellow. The relationship between her and her mother whom she has always given a cold shoulder to, is also improving. As for love life, she finally met her Mr. Right, and the two has already entered into wedlock at the beginning of this year, and commenced their new chapter in life…
The Miss Yellow now neither hides her wretched childhood, nor her ignominious old-self, and she does not brood over her failing past. It is all because she understands that her life is now different. She wishes to continue disseminating positive ideas through music, and exert influences on people who are close to her through love.
Miss Yellow --在打碟DJ界不會陌生的名字,她是本地少數的女DJ,更是由藝員轉行打碟的第一人。
Miss Yellow藝名黃泆潼,原名黃普恩,大約十七年前透過選美踏足娛樂圈,一心以為可以藉此成名,賺快錢,然後離開那個她討厭的家。可是,在電視台營營役役多年,被派角色總離不開壞女人、狐狸精,發展平平的她開始感到前路茫茫。
因緣際會下,她認識了她的DJ師父Ryan,並嘗試學習打碟。由於Miss Yellow自小就熱愛音樂,加上個人天份和後天努力、以及本身的知名度,在時間和各種條件的配合下,不足一年,她便能獨攬大旗,迅速在打碟DJ界走紅,近年甚至唱埋歌、做歌手。
轉行成為打碟DJ,令Miss Yellow走出谷底、重拾人生目標。另一方面,宗教信仰亦大大改變了她的思想態度,使以往那個“黑暗、衰格”的黃泆潼,變成現在“積極、開朗、友善”的Miss Yellow。與一向不瞅不睬的母親,關係亦有所改善。感情方面,更終於遇到她的Mr. Right,二人今年初已步入教堂,揭開人生新一章…
現在的Miss Yellow,不會隱瞞不快的童年,也不會掩飾可憎的舊我,亦不介意失敗的過去,因為她知道她的人生已不一樣。她期望繼續透過音樂傳揚正面思想,用愛感染身邊的人。