Broadcasting contents for the minorities can be found in those for the majorities. Programmes for the minorities can also convey social messages. Internet radio hostess Grace WOO, who is celebrated for her analyses of mysterious crime cases, has been engaged in behind-the-scenes work in the television and radio sectors for years. By garnering detailed information and conducting rational analyses, together with the explanations by psychological and psychiatric professionals, she hopes that the audience can have a grasp of the various psychological factors that drive lawbreakers to commit crimes, in order to prevent them from going astray.
Radio DJ Vivian YIP strongly believes that the radio industry is fair to everyone. She thus launched the first music-on-demand programme in 2000 exclusively for inmates and their families. Letters are also read out in the programme, thus provide mental comforts for this group of audience who have lost their freedom and have been forgotten by the society, while their relationship with their family can be mended bit by bit.