Chan Wai Lin, an ordinary name of a man who lives an extraordinary life. Some friends say that the visible spots on Chan’s cancerous skin have come to represent small heart shapes that bring warmth and care into the lives of others; other friends have been inspired to turn the last stages of this man’s life into artworks, and expressions of a beautiful world of an inner soul; these are the circle of friends will do all kinds of things in remembrance of Chan’s special circle of life, and in those memories, a smile forever hangs on his face. “To live in the moment” is the motto of Chan Wai Lin, it is the staple of his world, and though he is terminal, he will always put up the banner of truth about “life’s natural cycles”, as he walks the distance, meeting and counselling other wounded friends. Happiness is here.
陳偉霖--一個普通的名字,卻有著不平凡的生命。有朋友把他身上的斑點變成一顆顆愛心、跳進別人的生活;有朋友以他的死期畫成作品、 展現內心的世界;