For most Hong Kongers who lead the same repetitive lives, it would seem the pursuit of career achievements is the whole of everything that matters in life. But when the year of 2003 hit Hong Kong with the epidemic SARS, for some who had the chance of witnessing the loss of lives and jobs of others people, theirs are perspectives forever changed by such deep experiences of life’s true character of change, instability and uncertainty. The situation begs to question and review not only one’s own state of being and self, but it is in those breaking moments of revelation that some finally come to see the truth of their own faces; that they have lived a life of empty pursuits, with a façade of personhood that seemed to have served little beyond work. The question of “who am I” has no easy answer, but these are the people who manage to find their own rebirths with the help of a writing brush and a piece of paper. Whereby a mysterious relationship unfolds between water-paint and the substances of the soul, this is the episode that will examine how this group of water-painters discovered their true selves through the tip of their writing brushes.