Today is in an IT age where information technology and people’s daily life are allowed to be inter-related. Meanwhile, the development and advancement of technology can be moving really fast forward.
In this episode, we have two protagonists James and Henry. From them, we’ll see how information technology can be utilized to bring benefits to us.
James Ting, one of the IT protagonists, has created his own music. Since his work involved the use of computer and thus he would have to pay a lot of attention to technology development, like the popular tablet pc in recent years. James has made use of tablet pc in his music production. In such a way, his students are motivated to deploy more computer technologies also to their music production.
Henry Chung, the other IT protagonist, loves making 3D photos. He stated that 3D pictures take a stronger sense of space in picture composition. Along with the progression in the technology, the mode of picture has been changed from black and white to vibrant colors and from films to digital pictures. Also, followed the growing trend of 3D movies, 3D photography is now getting a lot more popular.
That is to say we have already utilized technology to better our life-style, whereby this has been the major irrefutable trend in this IT era.