When you are in love with a person, a place or a thing, you would always strive to take care of and protect it. What Samantha Lee would like to protect the most is her beloved ocean. Working in an environmental organisation, she is devoted to marine conservation work in Hong Kong, with particular focus on the territory’s marine pollution, marine habitat and fisheries development.
It was her teacher at the university, Professor Ang Put O Jr., who led her to embark on exploring the treasure house of marine knowledge. As a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and a marine researcher for over 20 years, Professor Ang often takes students out to dive, delving into the incredibly wondrous undersea world and uncovering the little-known features of the local marine waters with them. Samantha continued to learn from Professor Ang during her masters’ education, specializing in the study of Alcyonacea and Gorgonacea. Not only is he passionate about marine research, but he also offers the greatest support and trust to his students. His mentorship has inspired Samantha to become a marine conservationist.
While the road of scientific research is a long one that requires long-term efforts of the scientists, the statistics collected prove to be very useful in environmental protection indeed. Samantha considers herself fortunate to have encountered such a great teacher, who guided her as she equipped herself with the knowledge necessary for her to contribute to conserving the environment. She hopes to promote her ideals to more people, encouraging them to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle beginning with changes in everyday habits and to care more for the planet we call “home” together.