Confucius said, “At 30, I had planted my feet firm upon the ground.”
Society has always had specific expectations of people in their thirties. They are supposed to be educated individuals who have accumulated a certain amount of work experience, as well as responsible adults capable of taking care of their families and contributing to society.
People who have reached the age of 30 should have a more thorough understanding of themselves, society, as well as life in general. This is also the time at which one should set the course of one’s life.
29-year-old Alan has always had an affinity for nature. Three years ago, he resolved to resign from his fulltime job as a photography assistant, leaving behind the stable life to accomplish his goal of hiking all of the “100 Famous Japanese Mountains”. In addition to enjoying being in contact with nature, he also hopes to become a fulltime mountain guide in the future.
Meanwhile, Catherine, who once worked in the education sector as well as the Auxiliary Police Force, decided to “just do something that she enjoyed” before turning 30. She also left her job three years ago, exchanging text books for a backpack to take a working holiday in the UK. She has since set the goal of living there for the long term.
Having set their goals while approaching the age of 30, both youngsters are determined to realise their respective dreams.