There are many ways to preserve memories. Some collect memorabilia, some take pictures, some write them down on paper, and some turn them into miniature models.
Tony Lai is an architectural model maker by trade. In his spare time he makes miniature models to preserve the memories of disappearing buildings and places such as the pawnshop in Wanchai, Western tenement buildings, rooftop shacks and even the squatters area in Mount Davis. His models are filled with carefully observed details such as a cat sunning itself on the corrugated iron roof or an old tram with a trailer.
Maggie Chan also makes miniature models. Since she is a food lover, many of her models are food she ate in restaurants as a child with her father.
微型模型一般指比實物縮小十倍至五十倍或以上,而像真度極高的模型,製作人必須有一雙巧手及觀察入微。從事建築模型製作的黎熾明(Tony)從 2007年開始製作微型模型,曾製作灣仔「和昌大押」、西環唐樓、天台屋等建築物。全部作品都包含了他的童年回憶。例如在唐樓前的電車拖卡,便是他兒時最愛乘坐的交通工具。另一個大型作品摩星嶺木屋區,木屋外曬滿衣物,露天地方有居民在麻雀耍樂,屋簷上有懶洋洋的花貓,把七、八十年代的木屋區生活細膩重塑。