Nothing in our everyday life best epitomises the progress of science and design than the telephone.
Uncle Sam’s lifelong love affair with the telephone began with the visit of a repairman when he was a child. He became one himself when he grew up because he was so intrigued by this amazing machine. After his retirement, he began collecting and repairing vintage telephones. To him, the development of the telephone service in Hong Kong is just as fascinating as the device itself.
Cheng Po Hung is a telephone memorabilia collector. His collection provides him with a lot of fun facts about the history of telephone service in Hong Kong.
電話迷Uncle Sam,十一歲時被上門修理電話的叔叔所影響,從此對『千絲萬縷』的電話著迷不已。1967年加入『香港電話有限公司』,到偏遠地方上門維修電話。離職後開始收集舊電話,二十年間收藏約一百部舊電話,閒時以維修古董電話為樂,『沒有電話在我手裡是救不到的!』是他的口頭禪。
除了收集舊電話,一切與電話有關的歷史也能觸動Uncle Sam的神經線。1930年之前,電話仍未出現自動接駁系統,打電話要靠接線生人手接駁,當時的接線生以外國人為主,因為華人並未習慣使用電話,申請電話者亦多是外商,集中在中上環、灣仔一帶。