In this battle, the one who doesn't move wins. The survival match involves three teams: "Comedians," "Women," and "Martial Arts Champions," with Matsumoto participating for the first time. Challengers are desperately enduring terrifying mechanisms with mystery gymnastics dolls and creeping devices from above. Some even end up in tears... Who will be the first one to drop out? Cast: Matsumoto Hitoshi (Downtown), Fujimoto Toshifumi (FUJIWARA), Kogotu Hidenori (Biking), Seiya (Shimofuri Myojo), Oshima Miyuki (Mori-sanju), Noro Kayo, Maruyama Keri (Kerin Maruyama), Michopa (Ikeada Miyu), Musashi, Makabe Toyo, Homma Tomoaki, Kameda Koki.