Michael Tellinger presents an overview of the journey to discover humanity’s hidden origins and our shared destiny.
Michael Tellinger relates the untold story of how gold shaped countless cultures throughout the expanse of human history.
Michael Tellinger describes the importance of sound and symbolism for many cultures throughout the world.
Michael Tellinger explains that one of the most powerful tools in the ancient world is buzzing all about us. In our modern world, we are inundated with sounds scattered everywhere. Its prevalence is so dominant in our everyday lives that many of us can scarcely imagine that it was once a source of sacred power.
Michael Tellinger explains how ancient sound technology has made its way into modern sciences. Ancient cultures were able to use sound technology because they understood how primal resonance is critical to creation of all things.
Michael Tellinger dispels some of the most common scientific assumptions to relay how ancient civilizations could make use of technology that would seem highly advanced compared to our modern tools.
Michael Tellinger builds a connection from ancient Sumerian texts and the Annunaki to sacred sites in South Africa.
Ancient secrets will not remain buried forever. Michael Tellinger discusses the use of mysterious artifacts found at pyramids and stone circles all over the world which have baffled even the most learned of scholars.
Michael Tellinger tells of stories from long ago, when for one brief moment heaven and earth met, giving birth to the human race.
What Michael Tellinger has discovered within the stone circles in South Africa could reveal the secrets of vortex and portal technology.
Today, we no longer need stone circles, as churches and amphitheaters have replaced the ancient temples.
Michael Tellinger reveals that there is a way out of the ancient web of lies that has ensnared humanity.
Messages encoded into Hollywood blockbuster movies reveal the conspiracy against us.
ight now, things seems to be getting worse in the world with images of war and abject poverty dominating mainstream media
Our journey to liberty from the draconian money system has already begun and many more people are joining every day
n a world without money, everything changes and anything is possible. Michael Tellinger calls upon you to become the seed of consciousness in your community by engaging the philosophy of Ubuntu.
Ask anyone and you will get little debate that something is wrong with our economy. But you will find little consensus on what we can do about it. Filmed before a live studio audience, Michael Tellinger sets the stage for implementing an entirely new economic system; one that develops a unity consciousness and abundance for all.
Despite the apparent odds against implementing a new economic system, Michael Tellinger explains, to a live audience, that the transition to the future of humanity is actually very simple.
Wars and conflicts continue to rage across the planet to the determent of anyone caught in the crossfire.
From the legal system protecting large corporations to the education system indoctrinating children, money has long been the tool of the ruling elite.
We need a plan of action to free ourselves from the enslavement of money and Michael Tellinger reveals such a plan to a live audience.
After his participation in the South African Elections of 2014, Michael Tellinger learned firsthand that the election process is staged and crooked.
Growing up in a capitalist system, dependent upon steady streams of money, we are prone to balk at the shining promises from Ubuntu and the elimination of currency.
In this final episode of the Ubuntu Workshop, Michael Tellinger ties together all of the concepts prominent in this Contributionist movement